[b]Name:[/b] Kyne Val'Avuryden Age: 48 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://pm1.narvii.com/6242/9749101f36befe431469a050918034d2479076fe_hq.jpg[/img] [b]Starting Faction:[/b] Independent/Special Region Mercenary [b]Skills:[/b] She titles herself as a bard, and entertainer of the crowds and can sing, dance, and play music from her lute. The reason she gained the interests of Gate force is her magic, being a bard she can cast spells upon herself to speak their language or onto a willing subject for them to understand every language spoken in the Special Region. She is also adept at learning new words and has taught herself to speak English in a short time though she still gets stuck on some words. Beyond her communication and entertaining skills the dark elf is also a marksman with her bow, preferring it over the sword when in a fight. [b]Standard Equipment:[/b] - "Siren's Cry": A Enchanted Longbow made of silver and dark wood, it has various runes that glow when the bow is drawn. They enchant the arrows fired from the bow to explode with small bursts of loud sharp sound that can daze or incapacitate those who are stuck or to close to the impact. - Lute: While Kyne's main methods of entertaining are with dance, story telling and song, though she still carries the musical instrument gifted to her from the college when she left for her studies. - "Sleeves of many Garments": Magic cloth sleeves sewn onto her vest that are made to transform into different sets of clothing when required. Because a performer must have a collection of costumes on hand. [b]Bio:[/b] Kyne is a female Dark Elf from the Special Region, she has no affiliation with the Imperials and is from the southern lands where her people are common. She is a graduate of the Bardic College where she taught to play music and fight while also learning the cultures of many different races. As a bard she wanders the land offering her services as a performer and a warrior if the situation arises but tries to avoid conflict. Gateforce found her when a advanced recon team made contact with a local village and were approached by her speaking their language. Not only did she speak English almost fluent but also German and Spanish with other members of the squad. She offered her service as a translator when asked in exchange for information on the cultures of the strange land beyond the gate and the "exotic" items they brought with them.