With her free arm, Misses Cassidy reached up to grab hold of the dangling pants leg. Her fingers quivered as fear coursed through her body, but she was slightly reassured by the additional [color=993399]chi[/color][color=lime]ld[/color][color=fff200]ren[/color] who came to help. Rocks clattered from beneath Misses Cassidy as her fingertips neared the pants but she was almost there. Suddenly a loud metallic groan wailed out from above. Gravity had finally gotten the better of the dangling chunk of wreckage above, tilting it off the narrow ledge it was propped over and sending it crashing down. Chunks of steel and bits of glass rained down from above as the debris crashed against the upper side of what was left of the bus. A spatter crimson fluid sprayed out from beneath the impact, painting the nearby wall and dripping over the scraped yellow paint of the bus. The vibration from the collision shook the ground. Deep bellowing snaps resounded from below. Cracks spread across the ground like wild fire and the weakened ledge below the bus gave way. A symphony of screams rang out from within as the bus collapsed over the broken ledge and careened into the darkness below. The voices faded with the sight of the bus, engulfed by shadows and silence. Like dominoes, bits of the ledge continued to erode away, tumbling down the steep rock face in heaps of dust and stone. The cracks and erosion split across the ground, encroaching on the small group of children attempting to assist Mrs.Cassidy. The shock of the impact and the rumbling ground caused the trip coordinator to loos her grip, slipping off the edge. But her fall was quickly halted as an arm looped through the strap of her bag. The other strap, still snagged on the branch protruding from the side of the cliff, let out a slow hiss as the fabric began to tear. The zippers of the bag barely held together as the stress of holding up the full grown woman spread across it. Misses Cassidy let out a shriek as her heals finally slipped off her feet, clattering hollowly into the void. Like a land slide, the ledge continued to crumble, claiming another dazed victim who failed to act, pulling the child into the darkness. Cracks continued to spread, infesting the ground around [color=ed1c24]Dilloh[/color], nagging at his balance as a foot slowly sunk into the eroding ground. He was further from safety but closer to the distraught woman. The ground felt weak below but still held enough integrity to match the weight of the young boy without completely collapsing. At least for the moment. [color=f6989d][b]"Help!!"[/b][/color] screamed Mrs.Cassidy as she reached her hand towards the young man who was trying to save her. Mimi found herself closest to the edge now after Dilloh, just in view of the strap Misses Cassidy held so tightly to. The earlier impact sent ripples through the pond, washing water over the edges of the island [color=0054a6]Ginty[/color] had set up camp on. The sounds of panic and turmoil echoed out reaching the young boy, accompanied by the vague vision of the struggling group in the darkness on the other side of the river. His reflection danced across the surface as the water continued to ripple. Among the voices that rang out, another faintly came to his attention, a bit closer than the rest. On the other side of the pond, near whatever was left of the pile he wasn't able to retrieve, now visible thanks to the bags he moved, was a small girl calling out for help. [color=00aeef]Lilia[/color] had managed to shake some of the timidity out of her voice, finally regaining consciousness below the wreckage. The trebling ground sent a few stones cascading into the pond near a young boy who was passed out just out of view, a few yards from Ginty, on the same side of the pond as him. He was hidden from sight by the detached bus door, which was propped up over [color=f7941d]Ashton[/color] against a rock. As the green haired boy began to wake from the darkness of unconsciousness, he found himself laying on his back beneath the debris. He too could see his reflection in the edge of the pond near where he was laying as ripples continued to spread across the top of the water. His reflection stared back at him ominously as the sounds of the near by conflict rang out, slowly fading in as his hearing returned to him. A sharp pain nagged at his right shoulder, keeping him from fully moving his arm. It wasn't broken, but ached and was slightly swollen. [center][img]http://www.dreamtemplate.com/dreamcodes/divider/images/tsc_divider5.png[/img][/center] [color=993399]♥[/color] [sub]Someone can be saved here...[/sub] [color=f7941d]♥[/color] [sub]Your reflection tells you you've woken up to danger.[/sub] [color=ed1c24]♥[/color] [sub]Make a Choice.[/sub] [color=lime]♥[/color] [sub]Someone can be saved here...[/sub] [color=00aeef]♥[/color] [sub]But who will come.[/sub] [color=fff200]♥[/color] [sub]Someone can be saved here...[/sub] [color=0054a6]♥[/color][sub]If only...[/sub] [center][img]http://www.dreamtemplate.com/dreamcodes/divider/images/tsc_divider5.png[/img] [sub][@XxLyraxX][@Laach][@Vesuvius00][@Ryougu][@Natsu][@The1Rolling1Boy][@Inner Demon][/sub][/center]