[quote=@Sanctus Spooki] Sooooo... Can I be an indecisive prick and bring myself back into this? xD [/quote] [quote=@Foster] b-but, senpai! Who else will there be to add exotic introverted zebras to the RP? *whines* If you change your mind, feel free to edit your character right back in. -Can't speak for Aristo, but [i]I'll[/i] make room. [/quote] [quote=@Aristo] [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQCCL3B3NZbYKFAqbJN9uRthvfmfTAOJ4U-E0wbGvJt8nmYM10o[/img] Go forth, my child. [/quote] Seek, and you shall find. btw, your new nickname is Senpai Spooki.