I changed many things so this is practically a new character. [hider=Rinori Imaryn][indent] [color=#842525][b][u]Character Name:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Rinori Imaryn[/indent] [color=#842525][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]32[/indent] [color=#842525][b][u]Race:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Dunmer[/indent] [color=#842525][b][u]Sex:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=#842525][b][u]Birthsign:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]The Serpent[/indent] [hr][hr] [color=#842525][b][u]Specialisation:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Stealth[/indent] [color=#842525][b][u]Class:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Hunter[/indent] [color=#842525][b][u]Skills:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] [list] [*] Expert: Sneak, Archery [*] Apprentice: One-Handed Blade, Atheltics, Acrobatics, Trap Setting (Craft), Foraging (Craft) [*] Novice: Alchemy, Illusions, Light Armor, Restoration [/list][/indent] [hr][hr] [color=#842525][b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/1200x/ea/15/54/ea15546eb3930d33dda885c644df4bd2.jpg[/img] Rinori is a tall, proud dunmer. Even when she isn't paying attention to you she carries a casual arrogant look, with an air of aloofness that makes it seems like she is above the common rabble. Otherwise known as a resting bitch-face. While some might call her pretty, Rinori cares very little about appearances. She keeps her hair short but well kept. Like many Dunmer she has deep red eyes that unnervingly look almost completely black in the absence of light. Her skin is a a pale purplish like many ashfolk, though underneath her clothing she's notably even paler. As a hunter she prefers to dress practically, which usually means she's nearly always wearing her hunting armor. It's light, comfortable, and protective against light blades, bramble, and most types of weather. She does have a casual dress if she needs to be out of her armor, but dislikes wearing fancier clothing. Too much trouble to take care of and less useful than a simple woolen dress. She does wear a few accessory, mostly out of memory of her parents. She often wears her mother's earrings and her father's scarf. [/center] [/indent] [color=#842525][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] At first Rinori seems haughty and bashful, rarely interacting with others and she seems quite easy to offend. But she's actually just shy and sensitive, as she isn't used to interacting with others on her own. She doesn't feel comfortable in normal, social situations as she doesn't really know what to say or how to interact with people. She's far more personal when she's outside during a hunt however; once she has a bow in her hand she's much more confident and even pleasant. Rinori is careful and cautious, never wanting to get into more trouble than she has too. But that doesn't mean she's a coward, as she'll hunt down anyone who poses a threat to her or others. Whether it's a lone bear or a bandit gang, she'll stalk her prey for as long as she needs too until they're no longer a threat. Generally speaking Rinori is a nice person. She doesn't go out of her way to cause trouble and if people have problems with her she usually just leaves instead of letting it escalate. However this also means that if someone else is in trouble, she might not always come to their aid. If she sees a hungry child on the street she would be willing to give some money or food, but if she sees two people fighting she might just ignore it. If she sees someone like a bandit preying on travelers of course she'd help the travelers too, but again when it's two people who seem evenly matched she prefers not to get involved. When it comes to killing, Rinori has a complicated feeling about it. She is both detached yet proud of hunting, whether she's killing wild animals, dangerous monsters, or other people. Like an artist she has no feeling about what she does until it's done, and depending on what sort of effort it took she may be proud or disgusted. Rinori prefers fairly clean and quick kills, such as an arrow from the shadows. However she also isn't afraid of using traps or poisons to help her ensure her target's death sooner or later. Trapping her quarry and rendering them unable to move for hours on end is just as clean to her as it would be to slice their throat in their sleep.[/indent] [color=#842525][b][u]Backstory:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Rinori's parents were mercenaries, a pair of dunmer sellswords who once worked in the same unit, before eventually leaving with each other. Their life was a simple one, yet wrought with danger. Her folks took jobs such as protecting caravans, hunting down creatures for alchemists, and other sort of work one may hire someone from the Fighter's Guild to do instead. However they made a comfortable living because unlike those from the Guild, they'd take any job someone would pay them for. Sometimes instead of protecting caravans, they'd raid them. Maybe even kidnap a noble. Whatever they felt would be an easy job. As Rinori grew up, they taught her their skills, skills they used to stay alive for as long as they did. The most important thing was how to use a bow: It was practically their signature weapon. Death at a hundred paces. It was from her parents that Rinori learned most of her skills now, from combat skills like how to handle a blade or use light armor, to alchemy and foraging wild ingredients. Her mother was fairly skilled in magic and taught her some illusion and Restoration spells, while her father fancied himself a hunter and taught her how to lay traps, sneak up on prey, and how to catch or run away from them. When Rinori was twenty years old her father was killed during a job. Her parents were out hunting minotaurs when they where attacked by a swamp of imps. As they tried to fight them off, the minotaurs arrived and her father stayed behind so her mother could escape. The only thing left after Rinori and her mother went back was her father's scarf. Not long after her mother, after losing her husband, fell into depression and took her own life. She was on a job to deal with a troll's den, but chose to collapse the cave she and the trolls were in instead of escaping. Suddenly Rinori was left without her parents, in a land unknown to her. These lands was Cyrodiil. It wasn't easy for Rinori. She had always been training or watching her parent's belongings, and never really knew how to interact with other people. Sure she watched her parents meet clients and arrange deals, but she was never part of that. At best she just looked tough and did her best not to let others scare her. And while she never showed it, she was always scared of what others would do to her. So even in Cyrodiil, she never really tried to live in the big cities. Instead she simply roamed the countryside, hunting for food on her own, occasionally going to a small village inn if she can't find a cave or abandoned fort to rest for the night. After a while Rinori became good at it too. She was quite adapt at sneaking past her foes, avoiding them if she can and quietly eliminating them when she can't. Her bow became the only thing that gave her comfort. With it she could snipe a bird flying through the skies, or hit a deer who's running full speed into the forest. Bandits who tried to stop her rarely were able to catch up to her, and when they'd least expect it her arrows would shoot them down so they'd never hurt anyone again. She started to grow a taste for her abilities, honing her skills whenever she can and proud whenever she did well. When she didn't she simply made sure not to make the same mistakes as before. That being said, Rinori never really left the Golden Coast, and only traveled to the southern parts of the Colovian Highlands. Growing older now Rinori felt that she should try to travel more, perhaps even interact with people. She was still young (For a dunmer) and wanted to see what more she had to life than merely surviving. She spent some time in Anvil, growing slowly accustomed to people though still distant. When she felt she had her fill of the city she tried going to the next one: Kvatch. [/indent] [color=#842525][b][u]Spells:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Illusion: Serenity, Inspiration, Illuminate Restoration: Salve, Absorb Fatigue[/indent] [color=#842525][b][u]Inventory:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Leather Armor (Includes boots, bracer, and body armor) Woolen Dress Red Scarf Earrings Steel Bow Steel Arrows x50 Steel Shortsword Steel Dagger x2 Silk Rope 50 feet (Used to make traps) Travel Backpack Bedroll Extra-Comfy Pillow Weather-Resistant Cloak w/Hood Mortar and Pedestal Alchemy Satchel Nightshade x3 Stinkhorn x3 Mandrake Root x5 Venison x3 Boar Meat x4 Waterskin Flint and Steel Poison (Minor) x4 Potion of Healing x2 Potion of Magic x2 Potion of Cure Poison x1 [/indent] [/indent][/hider]