“And that is the basic history of the Roman Empire. Some key facts to remember are…” The history teacher continued with this presentation at the front of the class while students were either paying attention or off in their own little world. One particular young man sat towards the middle of the classroom balancing a pen between his lip and his nose. The young blonde’s teal eyes stared more at the pen then he did at the teacher. That was until… “Kyo-san.” The teacher called out, grabbing Rayne’s attention. Rayne jumped to his feet and pulled the pen from his mouth. Knowing full well that the student was not paying attention, the teacher posed a question in which Rayne responded rather quickly. Much like his older brother Kenton, Rayne was rather intelligent and easily got through his classes. And luckily the teacher let him off with a single question and the blonde boy sat back down. “You’re so smart Kyo-san.” One of the girls around him said, which another followed with the same form of comment. Rayne just gave them a polite smile before going back to playing with his pen. Rayne Kyo could be explained in a few phrases mainly that he was kind, popular and trendy. Most importantly Rayne’s actions much reflected that of a puppy. He was playfully, attention driven, a space case, and never really understood the need of ‘personal space’. Some girls would refer to him as a ‘playboy’ because he never seemed to stay with one girl for too long but that wasn’t his fault!! All the girls seemed to think if he hung around them or put his arm around them that they were suddenly together. So when his attention was pulled somewhere else, they were magically heartbroken and bothered. Why? Well he didn’t know, all he knew was that something else got his attention. It took a while before the final bell rang and the blonde lazily climbed from his seat before slipping his belongings into his bag. His phone buzzed in his pocket and Rayne pulled it out to check the screen – [i]Lilly’s first day is today. Make sure she’s alright.[/i] The text message came through from Neo as the time for lunch began. The hour break made for a nice lunch time and Rayne through his bag over his shoulder before texting his friend in response. [i]If she’s hasn’t found a lunch mate yet I’ll take her out to eat and see how her day has been.[/i] Rayne gave a quick reply back before leaving the classroom, not realizing that some people were actually calling his name. Upon arriving in the cafeteria he noticed a figure that looked much like Lilly dashing out the front doors. A sigh left him as he watched her go. Some girls at the school were bullies, there was no doubt about that and something about the way she left told him she had just encountered some. His teal gaze flowed where her path most likely came from. A table full of giggling girls and who pointed towards the exit told him his guess was correct. However their actions didn’t last long when they realized Rayne was watching them. They attempted to get him to come to them by waving and gesturing. To which he shook his head and mouthed, “Mean girls” to them. The girls instantly pulled back from their actions and stared down at their table and even the groups that were once near their table backed off giving them distance. Yes, this was the power of Rayne Kyo. He was beloved by all and if you crossed him, your social status was destroyed for quite some time. However the girls wouldn’t suffer for too long, he didn’t approach them or say it out loud so it just happened to be those who saw his lip movements who would be avoiding them for a while. Pushing his way through the football team, he dashed outside and followed in the direction she most likely went. Soon he heard it, crying, a sound he hated. A gentle sigh left him as he slowly approached where she was sitting, her back turned to him. Quietly, he set down his bag and placed himself behind her. Wrapping his toned arms around her body he pulled her the rest of the way to him, sliding her between his open legs and resting her back against his broad chest. “Don’t cry.” He said softly to her ear. “At least don’t cry alone. You know better than that.” His arms tightened around her. “You can cry now, I’m here. Then when you’re done we’ll go get some food.”