[@GarlandDaHero] It's like monster hunter, but faster. And faster every which way. In monster hunter it can take you 5-10 minutes just to find the monster, where as some battles are over in god eater within that time. There's less grinding, I'm confident that you could beat the story missions without replaying any levels until you get to the late-post game. There's a lot more freedom and customization with how you equip your characters, and it's not tied to character cosmetics. I could personally never go back to monster hunter after playing god eater. That doesn't mean that it doesn't suffer some of the same pitfalls. Namely that while there isn't a lot of grinding, the game's very nature is kind of grindy in that you'll be fighting some of the same creatures a lot. Story mode is hit or miss. It's pretty good at being funny, but when it needs to be dramatic it's usually a little too generic or rushed to make you feel sentimental about what's going on. I got both of them in a pack together on steam. It's good game to play if you don't want to think too hard, haha.