[@Dblade26] [@Archmage MC][@Hammerman][@Solaris][@Vongola_Hasayo][@Duthguy][@Rin] [color=mediumslateblue]Okay so to clarify, the abilities our character's use will be reminiscent of Hunter X Hunter. But any actual terms like Nen are not going to be used. What [@Dblade26] and I had in mind was more of a middle ground. Characters will be able to sense others' energy levels and presence, they can shield their bodies with their auras, fire kinetic blasts, etc. I actually want to leave the concept open for now, but if you're familiar with Hunter X Hunter I don't see the more complex powers like Kite's sentient "Crazy Slots" being something that would quite fit. But as I said before, I want everyone to enjoy the game. So please provide feedback.[/color]