[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qz3Gw8a.png[/img][/center] [color=bc8dbf][h3][center]~Charlotte LaChance~[/center][/h3][/color] [hr] Now, Charlotte didn't mind sharing a bed with someone. Wouldn't be the first time she bunked with someone else. She had to share a room with three people back in Astril, after all. As annoying as it was, she had to put up with it. At least the other two people were...tolerable, and one of them was...the only person she'd have ever considered a 'friend'. But, sleeping this close with a complete stranger? Well, she didn't mind it, but the other woman was getting [i]awfully[/i] close. Much closer than she was comfortable with. She rolled over, giving Cait slightly annoyed look. [color=bc8dbf]"Óchi Meínete. Den ankaliés."[/color] She pressed a finger against Cait's head, pushing her slightly to hopefully indicate she was not to sleep on the same side of the bedding as she was. There Only one person she'd ever let sleep that close to her if she could help it. She rolled back over, facing away from Cait. She was fine - she was used to cold nights anyways. Astril was notoriously cold, after all. To be honest, the heat from this beach was likely to kill her sooner than any giant bird...