[@GingerBoi123][@Drakeonis][@elfenlied123] [b]"We in this together, guys?"[/b] Chi's body tensed originally as Chase laid his hand on her back. Though this was a stressful situation, she couldn't help but feel a sense of protection in Chase. His height towered over hers, his body strong and firm where it needed to be but soft and gentle as well. Her tension fell from it's peak as she watched the people crowd around one another and start throwing ideas back and forth to one another. She just wanted to get home to her bed. She just wanted this to be some sort of fucked up dream. [i]"I've got a phone!"[/i] Chi exclaimed in return, taking off her backpack and searching through to find her cellphone. She picked it out to see that she had several missed calls and many missed texts explaining the situation. She handed the phone over to the girl without another thought. She didn't want to know what had happened to her family, knowing that it could be the worst. [i]"We got to get out of her, we're sitting ducks."[/i]