[center][h3]King Alaric I[i][/i][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/qbGtIvk.png[/img][/center] The King leant back in his throne as he silently reflected. Several nobles - The venerable Baron Sforza, the solicitous Duke Conrad, the accomplished Lord Stolt, the beguiling Duchess Allard and the stalwart Duchess Keto who he'd left a Duchy. All had stepped forth and spoken and he'd listened to them all with an attentiveness. A few long seconds passed as Alaric mulled their words and his own thoughts over within his head. With some concern the young King watched the receding backs of both his advisor and his Holiness the Ecclesiast, unwilling to create a scene however he would trust in Thorne to do what was right as they left the throne room. Not however without a nod to the Knight of Silk and Iron who stood besides the door they were leaving through, to which the Knight would fall in lockstep behind the pair as they left. It simply would not do to leave both his own personal advisor and his holiness unprotected and unguarded. To the keenest amongst the council and for those who were looking, eleven knights, all of the Silk and Iron, remained within the King's throne room. "[color=thistle][i]You all honour me, truly. I believe I have made up my mind.[/i][/color]" Alaric spoke. "[i][color=thistle]Lord Jerran Gades Stolt, I would name you my Marshal. Your words honour the memory of my father who spoke well and often of you, and you hold the support of those within the council. I would have no other man command the Black Army... I know you will forgive me my Lord Sforza, I know you to be a fine and capable leader of men, and it is for this reason I would have you continue your lordship over the lands of Lussex in defense of the realm.[/color][/i]" The King spoke with a nod to both men. "[color=thistle][i]In regards to the position of Spymaster...[/i][/color]" The King lingered for a second. His thoughts turning to how quickly and easily an assassin of the Order of the Wasp had only moments ago approached both him and his advisor. He doubted even Jarl would have got to the man had he harbored ill intent before it would have been too late. Whom he chose now would wield such power, he had to trust them implicitly. In truth he knew little about either of the two Dukes though he found himself in favor of the Lady Allard. James Conrad whilst undoubtedly competent was a man surrounded in the vilest of rumors and had been removed from the past King's own council, assuredly for good reason. The Duchess on the other hand he knew even less off, though he couldn't deny her charisma nor the seeming competence displayed in her first few words on the post. "[color=thistle][i]Duchess Anfel Allard, I would name you my Spymaster. To shield this realm from vile intrigues and deceit shall be your charge.[/i][/color]" With his council now chosen. Alaric turned his mind to that of the Faith and the Vinossian Cleric whom represented them alongside his Holiness himself. "[I][color=thistle]Honoured Cleric, would thou have any words for us on behalf of the Faith?[/color][/i]"