[centre][img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/1044f1ab905dead17be9452da913541b/tumblr_mhv48icchA1rg903vo1_500.gif[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI2LmRmMDcwNy5WMmhsYmlCMGFHVnlaU0JwY3lCdWJ5QnRiM0psSUhKdmIyMGdhVzRnYUdWc2JDQjBhR1VnWkdWaFpDQjNhV3hzSUhkaGJHc2dkR2hsSUdWaGNuUm8uMAAA/zombie-holocaust.regular.png[/img][/centre] [hr][centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmRmMDcwNy5VM2x1YjNCemFYTSwuMAAAAAAA/zombie-holocaust.regular.png[/img][/centre][hr] The year is 2024 and the world as it was once known is gone, destroyed by a mysterious illness that causes all whom contract it to die and then come back to life like mindless animals with but one goal, to find the living and eat them. The survivors have attempted to fight back numerous times and have tried to find a way to combat the deadly mysterious contagion causing the dead to rise, but their efforts have been meant with little more then failure and many lives. The remaining survivors are dwindling quickly, consistently overpowered by the numerous ravenous undead. Hope is gone and humanity is in its last chapter, there is only one safe haven left in the world ruled by the undead, where the last of the survivors take refuge from the dead filled lands. But time is running out and this safe haven is on the verge of collapse and the question remains. Will there be a Dawn for Humanity or will it forever be Dawn of the Dead? [hr][centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmRmMDcwNy5VRzkyWldkc2FXRWdTWE5zWVc1ay4wAAAAAAA,/zombie-holocaust.regular.png[/img][hr] [img]http://www.blitzquotidiano.it/wp/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Poveglia-Isola-di.jpeg[/img][/centre] The last remaining refuge known in the world where survivors come to escape the ravenous hordes of undead. Now controlled by a small Ex Special forces group Poveglia has become a safe haven for whomever can find a way to its shores. Only accessible by boats as any other form of arrival is dangerous, the island is under constant watch by ex military and all survivors who arrive are thoroughly searched and quarantined for at least twenty four to forty eight hours. With small farms and livestock maintained by various workers it is one of the last self sustaining places in the known world. There is upwards of perhaps one hundred to one hundred and fifty people alive on the island not including the military owners whom bring the island total count to one hundred and seventy. [hr][centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmRmMDcwNy5UM1JvWlhJLC4wAAAAAAAA/zombie-holocaust.regular.png[/img][/centre][hr] [list] [*][u]Starting Point[/u] [indent]- Your starting point is up to you, if you want to start on the island then you are allowed to do so, or if you would rather travel to the island then you can. Just be aware that if you join late then you should make sure you find out whats currently happening within the role play because for all you know the island could be destroyed and we could be running so keep yourself aware of whats going on when you join.[/indent] [*][u]Military[/u] [indent]- On the subject of military characters I am allowing them but I am also stripping them at the same time. What this means is if your an untouchable black ops soldier who can crack a neck with one finger or make next to impossible shots like its nothing I am going to deny your character. No one likes a character who is OP so keep yourself balanced and never will an issue arise between you and myself.[/indent] [*][u]Infected[/u] [indent]- Be aware that this is not Walking Dead, I love the show and god knows I could talk about until the end of time but this is Dawn of the Dead variety zombies. For those of you who are unaware, Dawn of the Dead zombies are heavily aggressive, strong, fast, and more intelligent then your common day zombie. They can climb basic obstacles, jump over basic obstacles, think of them like rabies infected animals. They are still basic minded or in other terms they wont avoid an obvious trap as they are incapable of doing so on purpose but still incredibly dangerous and have unlimited stamina none the less.[/indent] [*][u]Infection[/u] [indent]- Infection is fairly basic and extremely volatile at the same time. If your bitten you are screwed and there is nothing in this world including Gods above that can save you. Depending on bite location you will die quickly or extremely slowly. Keeping true with the movies getting scratched by an infected and breaking the skin also has a very good chance of infection, this would be the slowest form of infection. Now as for blood, infected blood can and will infect you if it gets into your system i.e. mouth, open wounds, etc. so keep yourself healthy and watch how close you use a shotgun.[/indent] [*][u]Realism[/u] [indent]- I am going to run a semi tight ship when it comes to being realistic with your actions, lets face it some of us like to shoot headlong into a group of zombies and come out clean on the other side and this I assure you will mean certain death. These zombies are going to be running, biting, kicking, grabbing and dragging you down in whatever way they can to make you their meal and they will overpower you depending on the situation. So in this sense you need to use your better judgement an plan accordingly, if it seems like a bad idea then it probably is. Everything you do can be potentially a bad thing, a random gun shot, a fight with one of your fellow role players, unnecessary noise in an intense situation, screaming, all these things can and will get you killed so choose the right time to do them.[/indent] [*][u]Weapons[/u] [indent]- I intend to keep this open so you can have whatever weapon you choose to have within the boundaries of good taste anyways when concerning the role play. We all want them grenade launchers and RPG's, tear up some zombies with Mini guns and maybe you will in time but for starting weapons heavy weapons such as explosives and chain guns are explicitly banned. Military characters can choose some more rather heavy weapons like heavy MG's and maybe a couple grenades but I will be keeping an eye on what weapons are in your bio's. If your unsure of a weapon I am here and willing to answer any and all questions, just use your head and you will be fine when choosing weapons. Also on note of realism your weapons will have weight and this can affect your character in the roleplay when it comes to movement, keep this in mind.[/indent] [*][u]Roleplay Rules[/u] [indent]- As I hate to barrage people with a ton of rules I am not going to in this case, I am going to keep this short an sweet and if need be I will add them if any problems arise. Just remember to follow all guild rules, this roleplay is in fact PG-13 for our younger roleplayers and swearing is most definitely a must in this roleplay but keep it moderate. Use good judgement when creating your characters, keep them original and not OP and if any problems arise between yourself and other roleplays either take it to PM or I will help you settle it for I want to keep this fun and in a creative mood.[/indent][/list] [hr][centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ0LmRmMDcwNy5RbWx2WjNKaGNHaDUuMAAAAAAAAA,,/zombie-holocaust.regular.png[/img][/centre][hr] [b][u]Note: Don't be afraid to get creative with your bios I enjoy a nicely constructed Biography [url]www.1001fonts.com[/url] is a great site for headers and such.[/u][/b] Name: Nickname: (opt.) Age: Gender: Nationality: Appearance: (picture + General description) Military: (yes or no) Rank: (if your military) Position: (describe what your job was in the military etc.) Personality: (just give us a little taste of your mentality) Likes: (3+) Dislikes: (3+) Strengths: (5+) Weaknesses: (5+) Equipment: (Such as knee pads, armor, ammunition, etc etc.) Keepsakes: (anything you carry of sentimental value) Weaponry: (1 Main Arm, 1-2 side arms, melee weapon and auxiliary if you want it) History: (tells us about yourself, who you were before in the old world, what you became, or even what you had to become to survive, totally up to you) Other: (Anything else not mentioned above)