[quote=@Nariata] If you'd have me, I'd like to bring in an OC character. I don't know if this was asked (I did look through the thread and did not notice), but how will the RP play out in and of itself? Will there still be generic roles like support, tank, and killers or will it be something different. [/quote] Would those roles be necessary? I imagine, since these are (mostly) private military organizations, they'd each have individual roles and specializations for their members/agents. But, either way, that would be good to clear up, perhaps? [quote=@Vicier] As for Reaper, I have no knowledge of him being asked about or claimed until now; no one apart from Pro has approached me about him today; the impression that I was under was that [@Sodomite] was going to be taking up Reinhardt and Hanzo [/quote] Aw, they might have forgotten to send something. ;-( Oh well.