[center][@DracoLunaris][@HaltingBlooper][@The1Rolling1Boy][@pyroman][@Gutshot][/center] Tugtupite winced at the nickname given to her by the young Indocoloite but let it slid given the gems age. Tugtupite used to have numerous nicknames back in day but had since dropped them after the gems in her care matured to a point of no longer feeling the need to use them. Truth be told Tugtupite missed the nicknames but she was held up to a higher standard now and felt nicknames had no place being used on as science officer. [color=salmon]"I'll answer all of your questions once we get to the ship little one, though your feet might be a need a bit of looking at once we get back."[/color] Next came an additional two gems, only a minute or two between their arrivals, which were a Howlite and a Cymophane. The first one to arrive was the Cymophane with a troubling inquiry. Tugtupite listened for a moment before her eyes drooped in annoyance. Out of all those Rebellion Gems [i]she[/i] was by far the last one that Tugtupite wanted to see down here. [color=salmon]"It is good to meet you as well Cymophane. As for that voice is that of a traitorous gem whom of which has spat on all gem tradition and her own kind to preserve some lesser beings who would destroy us if given the chance. A gem that would use her medicore intellect to try to warp your minds and convert you into a drone who's only master is that of chaos and mayhem. That 'gem' is Sodalite."[/color] Tug said, glaring in the voice's direction. Now the Howlite had shown up and introduced themselves in a very formal manner which pleased Tugtupite to no end. This attitude quickly diminished as the Howlite pointed a light in Sodalite's direction. [color=salmon]"You fool! Turn that light of yours off this instant! Do [i]not[/i] garner her attention."[/color] Tugtupite whispered as loudly as she could in anger and frustration. She knew the gem didn't know any better but this didn't stop Tug from getting immensely angry.