Raiya considered all the things Nemo said. She had never personally heard of any of these people and she supposed that just went to show how out of touch with the underworld community she had been. While she was technically a part of an underworld community, her role had her mostly interacting with untalents. Ordinary gangsters who just wanted to sell drugs to the community, or traffic weapons, among other things. [color=ec008c]"I have to be honest, I have never heard of any of those people you just mentioned."[/color] Raiya confessed, [color=ec008c]"I don't really interact with very many Talents. And the ones that I do interact with are either my immediate comrades, or they tend to end up on the wrong side of my sword." [/color] Raiya explained. Raiya considered Nemo's offer. [color=ec008c]"I suppose my mouth is a bit dry. But I'd rather go for a stiff drink,"[/color] Raiya explained as she got up to follow Nemo. [hr] Felix considered Zuri's request. "Wands are a pretty difficult medium to channel magic through. Mostly because unless the wand is made from the finest materials, it can fail on you at a moments notice. Plenty of important historical figures met their dooms because of the failure of their wands. Gilgamesh, Muhammad, Alexander the Great, Adolf Hitler, all people whose ultimate deaths were caused by the failure of their wands. Are you sure that is the medium you want?" Felix asked.