[center][color=Goldenrod][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/907Spxw.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/41e68482c5db9f4fb2672c418ddee08d/tumblr_inline_o2ujimoiOC1rifr4k_500.gif[/img][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/4caaa27e24de34a18011a94c10f70606/tumblr_inline_og8y5tOiRQ1uuqkcz_500.gif[/img][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/f935ed1894314245aa3706d60b24af77/tumblr_inline_mqi62j1k0I1qz4rgp.gif[/img] [h3][i]"I'm not a miracle worker. Well... not always."[/i] ~ Angela Zeigler.[/h3] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/0EWbibA.png[/img] [hr][hr] [b]Real Name:[/b] Dr. Angela Zeigler. [b]Nick-Names:[/b] Angie, Ange, Zeigler, Angel, Valkyrie. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Species:[/b] Human. [b]Place Of Origin:[/b] Zürich, Switzerland. [b]Age:[/b] Thirty-Seven Years Old (No Longer Aging). [b]Date Of Birth:[/b] 27th of September, 1980. [b]Scent:[/b] Cocoa Butter and Honey. [b]Appearance - Human (Thirty-Seven Years Old):[/b] [img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/61452594/original.png[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/vNGxe2M.png[/img] [hr][hr] [b]Relationship Status:[/b] Single. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual/ Straight. [b]Partner:[/b] None. [b]Ex-Partner:[/b] Gabriel Reyes. [b]Father:[/b] Adrian Zeigler (Deceased). [b]Mother:[/b] Christine Zeigler (Deceased). [b]Siblings:[/b] None. [b]Pet/s:[/b] Inheriting her love of birds from her father before her, Angela has an aviary filled with many various birds from around the world; her pride and joy, however, being a [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d9/ff/3a/d9ff3a4b65af532319ed868765b20982.jpg]beautiful pink dove[/url] which she calls Blomma, meaning 'blossom'. [b]Other:[/b] None. ⚜ [b]In-depth Relationships[/b] ⚜ [hider=Relationships] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/05296f615f6eeae19066a51804fdf671/tumblr_inline_ngagz71wBd1so10o6.gif[/img] [h3][i]"That's what people do who love you... they put their arms around you, and they love you when you're not so lovable."[/i] ~ Angela Zeigler.[/h3] ⚜ Respects ~*~ ☯ Neutral ~*~ ☮ Friends ~*~ ♫ Best Friends ~*~ § Tense ~*~ ♥ Crush ~*~ ⚤ Significant Other ~*~ ☠ Enemies ~*~ ♦ Unsure [hr][hr] [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [h3]♦ [b]?[/b] ♦[/h3] [i]“?.”[/i] ?. ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ [/hider] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/0a761bc12fad59c24c6aa58af4a376a9/tumblr_mu92pj7hRe1qhct03o8_250.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/50CCjzy.png[/img] [hr][hr] [b]Personality:[/b] ♦ Extremely Kind ♦ Quick To Defend ♦ Gentle Soul ♦ Shy and Modest ♦ Exceedingly Mature ♦ Slightly Broken ♦ Loving And Motherly ♦ An extremely kind and gentle old soul to all those that she has the pleasure of meeting, Angela is an exceedingly sweet and charming young woman, showering all those who are lucky enough to form a close relationship to her with the love and care that she believes them to deserve, no matter who might seem to think otherwise. Her recently found confidence and self-belief growing significantly over the years, despite her start coming from her isolation from the rest of the world due to the loss she of her parents during the war, helping her to see the friends that she had managed to make over the years as figures that were approachable, willing to offer them both council and comfort sought whenever any of them seemed to need it; while spending her nights stepping up to the roles left unfilled within her life by mothering and caring for the other agents around her. Usually seen to be quite warm-hearted and a very modest young woman, she does her best to carry herself with both grace and dignity through the hardship that has been thrown her way by all of those who look down upon her as being someone who is helpless and in need of rescuing; though as the years passed her by, Angela soon learnt and began to stand up for herself against those who continued to look down upon her. Unafraid to berate and challenge people in positions of power, Angela has also confided in those that she trusts completely that she oftentimes finds it quite difficult to express what it is that she truly feels within her heart, however the fast-thinking young woman is quick to speak up and defend not only her friends and family, but also those who she believes are being treated unfairly against anyone who goes against what she believes in, whether they be friend, family, or foe. Also extremely wise and very mature for her young age, Angela is seen to be exceedingly beautiful to all those who meet her, attracting the attention of many a person who has crossed paths with her, whether they meet with one another on purpose or purely accidental- though despite her undeniably inherited beauty, Angela is not a vain young lady; the naturally curious young woman always seeming to surprise her those she holds dear, even when they themselves believe that they know everything about her, she always seems to find new ways to stun and amaze them. Although Angela is seen to be both a kind and gentle child, she has shown herself to be capable of being quite aggressive whenever her friends and family are shown to be placed in danger, causing her normally angelic disposition to turn, becoming something more demonic, striking fear into the hearts of those around her; tremendously brave and courageous whenever the situation calls for her to be, the usually calm and extremely loyal woman is unafraid to fight back against those doing wrong, however she is also quite quick to hide her more vulnerable side and highly guarded heart. [b]Likes:[/b] ✔ Animals of all kinds (except creepy-crawlies); especially birds. ✔ Helping those in need, and those she loves. ✔ Swiss chocolate, and hot chocolates in general. ✔ Spending time with her friends and those she loves. ✔ Curling up in an armchair with a good book. ✔ Cuddling on the couch, or in front of an open fire. ✔ The smell, and sound of rain. [b]Dislikes:[/b] ✘ Herself; and what she did in the past. ✘ Spiders and other bugs. ✘ The thought of losing those she loves. ✘ People who are stuck up and full of themselves. [b]Hobbies:[/b] To Be Written. [b]Strengths:[/b] ⚜ Flight- with the help of her Valkyrie/ Angelic suits, Angela is able to fly using the large wings she has due to her work; however, while she is able to fly long distances, it does indeed drain her energy forcing her to have to land and rest, the exact reason she rarely ever travels on wings alone. ⚜ Multi-lingual- raised in Switzerland, Angela very quickly took to learning new languages, and can so far speak, read and write in German, Romansh, Italian, French, and Latin, as well as some Russian, Japanese, and Chinese. ⚜ Living Medical Encyclopedia- a leading specialist in her career path of choice, Angela not only has a vast knowledge of nano-biology and medical terms, illnesses and procedures, but also an extensive and ever growing knowledge of all new medical advancements including cybernetic enhancements, prosthetics, etc.- the young woman considered a living medical encyclopedia by those who know her, even going so far as to keep multiple journals with the information that she holds within her mind. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] ☠ Slowed Down- while she is able to reach incredible speeds when soaring freely through the skies; Angela's wings are extremely large, sometimes causing her movements to become slightly slower than that of a normal person when she wears her suits, even when she seems to be rushing about. ☠ Exceptional Beauty- thanks to her heritage, Angela is exceptionally beautiful to many of those who look upon her; and naturally, though oftentimes unintentionally, draws in and gains the attention of those who hold both well, or ill intent towards her- while she has always been told she is pretty, Angela doesn't realize the extent of which her attraction extends, and tends to become rather shy and humble towards those who try to compliment, or explain this to her. ☠ Physical Weakness- focusing her duties mainly upon being a support for those who need her, Angela is well known to be physically weaker than those around her; her weakness not helping her any when it comes to being hunted down, or caught within a group of enemies. [b]Brief Biography:[/b] To Be Written. [img]http://37.media.tumblr.com/dc9a53025d5b82630804a671c67d3625/tumblr_n0gzcjIo8e1qclilyo8_250.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/CBjaCXv.png[/img] [hr][hr] [b]Organization Alias:[/b] Mercy. [b]Organization Affiliation:[/b] Overwatch. [b]Base Of Operation:[/b] Forks, Washington. [b]Previous Base Of Operation:[/b] Zürich, Switzerland. [b]Battle Type/ Role:[/b] Support ✚. [b]Occupation (Currently):[/b] ✣ First In Command at Overwatch. ✣ Head of Medical Department. [b]Occupation (Previously):[/b] ✣ Field Medic. ✣ First Responder. ✣ Surgeon. ✣ Nanobiologist. [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/e1bcd4cf9248e95b323db53a99eaa117/tumblr_myllhmw8GN1qi946qo3_250.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ae6Thuh.png[/img] [hr][hr] [h3][b][u][i]Abilities[/i][/u][/b][/h3] [b]Angelic Descent:[/b] Propelled by her many Valkyrie/ Angelic suits, Angela is able to control the speed of her descent from great heights and vantage points, allowing her to get away with and survive such free-falls without so much as a scratch on her body; helping her greatly when it comes to evading enemy fire, or to throw off their aim by varying the speed of her fall. [b]Guardian Angel:[/b] Allowing her to fly swiftly to her fallen comrades (whether alive or dead), this ability gives Angela the chance to reach them in the shortest time possible, opening up the chance for her to both get to them in time, and to provide them with the medical assistance that they need in crucial moments, or to escape from a dangerous enemy as quickly as she can- this ability also allows her to follow along behind a teammate as best as she can while tethered to them via her Caduceus staff. [b]Regeneration:[/b] Able to heal quite quickly from most injuries and scars; Angela has the ability to self-heal herself without seeking medical attention herself- her self-regeneration helping her greatly when she finds herself on the front lines, giving her the chance to heal her team-mates and others who get caught in the cross-fire. A surprisingly happy side effect of this ability, it is shown that Angela's body has built up an immunity to chronic illnesses such as asthma, epilepsy, and even cancer, also helping to build up a good defense system against other known and more fatal diseases. [h3][b][u][i]Weapons[/i][/u][/b][/h3] [b]Caduceus Staff:[/b] One of her most prized possessions, and her primary weapon of choice, Angela's Caduceus staff is capable of producing two separate beams which allow her to help those in need during battles. The first, golden in color, allowing her to create a bond/ tether that helps to restore a person's health to it's maximum; while the second, a sky-blue in color, allowing her to create a bond/ tether that helps to increase the amount of damage a person is able to deal out to an enemy. [b]Caduceus Blaster:[/b] Her secondary weapon of choice, Angela's Caduceus blaster is capable of firing a stream of fast-moving projectiles which are quite similar to that of D.VA's light gun; able to automatically reload while she is focusing her attention on her staff, her blaster (while fairly weak at long ranges) can become extremely deadly at close range. [h3][b][u][i]Ultimate Ability[/i][/u][/b][/h3] [b]Resurrect:[/b] Mercy radiates restorative power, bringing nearby dead allies back into the fight with full health. Radiating with restorative power, Angela when using her ultimate ability is able to bring back her fallen allies by resurrecting them from the death's grip with full health, allowing them to once more join back in on the fight, or just giving those she loves a second chance at living their lives. [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_meivlqQxYa1qjvhnzo1_r2_250.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/33pIkX7.png[/img] [hr][hr] [b]Other:[/b] Believing deep down within her heart that no one will be able to look past the mistakes and choices that she has made in her past, and see her as anything more than a helpless woman, or as Gabriel once saw her; Angela has all but given up on the thought of finding love and being truly happy. On the rare occasion when she is seen to be happy and content with what's going on within her life, Angela can be seen to float lightly just a few inches above the ground as she moves about, and is wearing her Valkyrie/ Angelic suits- particularly when she is seen to be dancing, or when she is expressing herself in a positive way. Raised to be the perfect young Lady by her parents before their untimely death; Angela is very skilled when it comes to homely things such as mending clothes, keeping a home, and looking after those she loves. However, her real talent shines through in the kitchen, the young woman a perfect connoisseur when it comes to all things food and drink; even going so far as to spend days at a time in the kitchen baking so as to treat those she cares about, or making her own tea to be enjoyed by all. [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/4e196256cca14d55917033c5d081bb47/tumblr_ml3zz69VJd1rp4duqo3_250.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/mB63gFs.png[/img] [hr][hr] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw6C4HTfng0]"Get It Right" by Lea Michele (Glee).[/url] [b]Lyrics:[/b] [i]What have I done..? I wish I could run... Away from this ship going under... Just trying to help... Hurt everyone else... Now I feel like the weight of the world is, On my shoulders... What can you do when your good isn't good enough..? And all that you touch tumbles down..? Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things, I just wanna fix it somehow... But how many times will it take..? Oh, how many times will it take for me; To get it right... To get it right...[/i] [img]http://cdn.tf.rs/2016/06/07/bhgfhngfthnf.gif[/img] [/color] [/center]