Andy turned his head when he heard a good morning and noticed how a young man looked at him, after which the young man jostled some bottles. As that was going on he heard a female voice ask one of the other passengers if 'they' were 'theirs'. He was about to return the polite greeting when the chauffeur tactfully got their attention and warned them. "What fix?" he asked as he looked ahead, noticing the two men with guns, the knight with a compound crossbow and the teen putting up some kind of spiked rod. The worried smile from the driver suddenly made sense. A rebellion? Were they caught in a local conflict? The somewhat ominous hum coming from the sphere didn't make him feel any better about the situation and he watched how a bolt of lightning moved to the three approaching men, only to be attracted to the rod instead. A lightning rod? Was the lightning from the sphere aimed at these people with weapons and had they known that? Before he could even ask their chauffeur the question a deafening bang sounded through the cabin and killed the man. With his hands pressed against his ears he glared at the madman with his gun. "Are you [i]trying[/i] to give us permanent damage to our ears?" he growled. "Why did our [i]driver[/i] have to die?" Whatever the reason, the gingered-hair man seemed to try to escape the limousine through the window, just like the young black-haired man tried the door on the other side. He cursed under his breath as he grabbed his backpack, he wanted to be ready to leave if needed. He looked through the windshield to see what the surviving knight was up to and to get a quick estimate of the situation. He didn't exactly want to find out what the fat, cylinder-tipped bolt was, but he wasn't all that happy with the electrical spheres above the road either. Although with the rod still in place he figured they wouldn't have to worry about being killed by lightning for the moment. And pedestrians had walked around safely before those people had showed up. Keeping his eyes on the crossbow-wielding knight he moved towards the door the young man was trying. For now the most danger seemed to come from that knight, not taking the gunman into account who had killed their driver and the two gun-wielding men on the junction. The chauffeur had been worried about the people on the junction after all.