The townsfolk were in the middle of there day most working in the fields around the town. The sunset was high as a few appeared to be setting up the pavilion for the contest. Richard was easily able to find the town's pokemon center and was leaving when Violet passed him heading in to town. A smiling woman offered Violet a rainbow ribbon warmly when she noticed Violet's eevee with a ruined one. She smiles happily waving to Lance close behind her worried that Chris hasn't gotten home. [@supertinyking][@medalliah][@pkken] A large smirk broke the gruff boy's face "Oh no worries, but I'll need your squirtle. We can do this the easy of hard way. I prefer the hard way." He smirked "I choose you Mankey." The large monkey like pokemon beat its chest aggressively glaring at her. The Mankey was to fast for Christine to run and the boy was alert almost hoping she'd turn her back to him. The boy was a troublemaker from the next town over. [@Pink Madness] C.J. made it a few paces before the gloom of the darker interior hit her. The sunset was coming and it was dark under the trees. A buzzing could be hear as quite a few weedles and caterpie started heading back to there respective homes. The view of the Caterpie like a green river across the forest floor. The weedle seemed to be heading downhill towards there cave. A few about ready to evolve needing the cool dark for there transformation. In a nearby area she could hear the sound of the Mankey yelling at Christine [@jagajac]