With other people navigating Kythe was able to let his mind wander while he mindlessly followed. He was dwelling on the meal they had before setting off, it was the best he's had in a long while. It was an enjoyable meal even even if he got some strange looks when he was crunching through the bones for the marrow. He was finally broken from his reverie when they came upon the next town and found it under attack. It didn't take long before three of their party were rushing to it's aid. Seeing nothing else for it he followed as well, coming up to the edge of the town and only needing to deal with one of these orc-things. He took cover behind a building there and peeked out to see Leila rushing toward the center of town. He didn't thing it was the best idea to go rushing into the center of this, especially if Sven was here, but he'd wait here until he could get an opening to help her or until he found out where Feon has got to. [hr] Tysetaz stood a bit of a distance from Sven overseeing the sacking of the town. For the most part the town guard were kept at bay by the orcs but a few were able to slip by and go for him, but those few were swiftly dealt with by Valerica allowing him to oversee things in relative peace. At least until a knight, one apparently capable of magic, came cleaving through most of the orcish puppets he was commanding and stopped a ways from Sven, calling out to him. Seeing this knight's initial charge Valerica was about to charge after her but Tysetaz held out his staff to stop her "Not yet" With that he waited to see what the knight was up to.