[@HeySeuss] Gotcha. Thanks for clearing that up. :) It's annoying when people won't break out of their comfort zones and end up falling victim to the same tropes over and over. But then again, that may be the only thing they like about RP, it's just frustrating when you're here for story-telling rather than having the plot so rigidly pre-defined. I get the feeling that a lot of people are mistaking "length" for "quality". It's not hard to write a long-ass post that contributes nothing to the RP. Length isn't the only factor when classifying an RP as Advanced, but it's definitely contributory and it's very hard to put something Advanced together without your post length growing to reflect that. So much so that when someone is looking for an Advanced level partner they can weed out a lot of the people they wouldn't want to RP with by saying "no one-liners". I mean how often are you going to get someone who is genuinely contributing to world-building, character development, plot development, etc and still only replying to you with one line? I've been RPing for 18 years and I've never seen that happen so if someone sees my Interest Check and is a great RPer but is turned off by my "no one-liners" clause well then...that's a risk I'm willing to take.