RULE As the number of lines someone must post is decided by the creator of the thread, I would like to bring your attention to the fact that I will not be happy with anything less than 7 well written sentences per paragraph and no less than 2 paragraphs per post. If you can not muster at least 7 sentences, as long as the sentences you have are as detailed as possible and are easy to work with, I will except that, but please, no less that 4. I understand that everyone runs into writers block from time to time, and if that is your issue, feel free to get a hold of me through PM and we will try to coordinate a time in which I can assist you. Anything less than 2 makes it difficult for your fellow Roleplayers to post as well. Thank you for your cooperation. I would like to inform you that, though cross breeding is allowed, if it is done using any of the main races, the offspring will have only ONE of the two elements available to them as their primary. I have my reasons for this and they are my own. EDIT: Due to the events that caused the old site to disappear from the internets forever... Myself and Ariamella have developed an idea to ensure that our rear ends are covered and all that needs to happen is reposts of our same EXACT posts. This is how it will be done: 1. We are ALL to go back and number our posts from 1 to where ever we are now from hear on out. Yes, that means you have to go and edit your posts. Now, the number sequences is NOT only your posts, you also have to consider those that are before yours. 2. You are to copy and paste your Posts into a Microsoft Word account (if you do not have one, just put it in a regular email.) and save it. 3. You are to repeat step 2 with all past, present and future posts. 4. You are to email your post to this email: 5. Your email Subject should be your Post number in association will all the posts, then your User name 6. I will then receive the email where it will be sorted properly. 7. Ariamella will organize everything on the drive. 8. And now are asses are saved! DO NOT FORGET TO EMAIL ME YOUR POST!