It was safe to say that when Keziah was angry she'd give the cold shoulder and silent treatment. It'd been her fiery personality that had drawn her husband in, and it wasthat same personality that comforted some women during childbirth when their husbands got upset. She wasn't afraid to tell them to leave the room. Once back inside she was stirring the stew, knowing that she'd have to make a little something extra to help fill more bellies. That was fine though, she liked to cook and it had been some time since she'd made anything sweet. Keziah often kept jars of preserved plumbs within arms reach. She loved them. She took a few jars and placed them on the oak table before rifling around for a big bowl. [I]Need to get more plumbs[/i], she thought. William's question made her stop what she was doing. Why did he need a gun so badly? Didn't he see what they had done to the men outside? Her heart picked up its pace a little and her brows furrowed. "Samuel just brought you. No gun. Didn't even speak of one but that was because my brother was trying to get to safety." He could get mad. He could rant and rave but honestly she wouldn't care. Her brother's life was worth more than a rifle. "What's with all the panic?" A soft feminine voice made Keziah whip around. Elizabeth came hobbling out of the room , mostly because she was tired of laying in bed. Elizabeth paused when she seen the man. Why was he dressed that way? Elizabeth's family was a well off German-American one. She'd seen similar uniforms, like the one her grandfather had worn during his time as a soldier. Her father still had it actually. "It's okay, Lizzie." Keziah smiled, she was trying to make this situation better, "This was the man I told you about. He was just going to [i]lay down[/i] again." She stressed that he needed to lay down. Elizabeth didn't need to be worried. She was nine months along and the baby would come any day now. Elizabeth put her hand on her belly and hobbled to the chair, a little self conscious that a strange man was seeing her with her hair unbound. She watched as Keziah went back to making dessert, and she didn't miss the way her sister-in-law ignored the man. Oh...he had made her mad. It was quite comical when she did that to Samuel, as she could often go for days ignoring her brother. Speaking of which...Samuel wasn't going to be happy that Elizabeth was up. After a little while longer, Keziah introduced the pale haired woman. "And this beautiful creature is my sister, Elizabeth. Sam's [i]wife.[/i]" Elizabeth was a beautiful woman and when they went to the market together here was no shortage of men who stared at her as they passed. Whem0n Samuel did come back it was for his bag of surgical equipment in the bedroom. "Amputation. Hand me that chunk ofleather would you?" He was pissed off the his wife was up and about when she should be resting but right now he had more pressing matters to attend to. "They'll be bringing him here. Giving him his last rites first." He casually asked William to stand aside and Keziah to come and help prepare the table. A white sheet was placed over it and she placed the leather strip onto the edge of the table. The leather had well worn indents from various people biting onto it over the years. The man was brought in, pale and confused. Samuel took out the proper knives and bone saws and got to work, cutting the man's arm just above the elbow. Even with the leather strip in his mouth he still screamed. Elizabeth had sincegone into the bedroom and Keziah was helping her brother.