Captain Marvel was dogpiled by clones of Multiplus, nearly dragging him to the ground. The clones grappled him, holding onto shoulders and arms, and he thought one might even be biting his ankle. The Captain strained to rise off of the ground, having some difficulty with the weight of so many extra bodies. He floated, his feet coming a few feet off the ground, and then called out to the sky. Despite the clear day, lightning struck from out of nowhere, coursing through the Captain, and into the clones who were latched onto him . Most let go, one was paralyzed by the strike and his muscles kept him rigidly holding onto Captain Marvel's shoulders. The Captain grabbed him and threw him unceremoniously back into the pile of Multiplusses. "No one can say I didn't give you a chance," Captain Marvel said, both his voice and his eyes crackling with lightning. He lifted his hand, and brought it back down, calling more bolts of lightning, one then another, and still one more. [i]Captain Marvel: 9 [-6 from the dog pile] Multiplus: 1 [-4 from lightning storm][/i]