[@DeadlyPhoenix] Fife nods his head before going back to the game and collecting his first quest. "So I got to kill something.. OKAY!" He says to himself and follows the little map area to where he was supposed the thing. Once he gets there his looks at his first enemy and pushes a random to try to attack it instead he jumps. "Oh..." He says and tries again but this button causes him to crouch, "Oh." So he tries again and this causes him to fast travel a random town, "OH!" He growls and runs back to where he supposed to be and once he got there his health was already pretty low from trying to run away from things he finally fingers out the attack button and takes one punch and the enemy attacks him killing him. Fife set down the remote gently onto the ground walks out of her room closing the door behind him and just screams out in the hall fire escaping his mouth causing the ground to catch fire, "FUCK! ARTEMIS!" He quickly slams open the door and frantically tells her what happned and how the ground outside of her room is on fire.