Alionna has slipped away as Garen and Kythe spoke, she could not stand the pain any longer, she had found a run down tavern and undressed. Quickly, she cleaned her curse wounds as best she could and covered them in the healing salve that she made early that day. She felt the wave of relief wash over her, she stood there for a moment with the top half of her body uncovered and allowed the salve to work. Not wasting anymore time she covered her cursed flesh in bandages and slipped back into her robes. The priestess was quite as the group traveled, she had spoken out against the ritual and there was no way she would take some power she was not fated to have. She stuck close to to Garen as he was her only true ally for far and she was truly glad that he was still alive. Alionna's ears twitched as she heard the screaming from ahead, the cries of the village folk snapped the priestess out of her thoughts and watched as the pseudo leader took off with out any command or plan of attack. Ali let out a sigh and ran after the group, she would have to help who she could and get as many of the townsfolk out of the way. She had never made it to a village that was under attack by Sven. The priestess blasted the undead orc as they gave chase to the fleeing people and healed any she could that were still savable. Ali did her best to keep close to the main group, she knew she couldn't help everyone, however, she did what she could.