[@Verse Zero] there are two types of Asylums. Linked: These are always a pair of Asylums who share a mental bond. In essence, their sanity is linked together in order to curb the affects of insannadiction. The link also works in various ways, it is a telepathic gps to each others location, it also serves as a private telepathic communication channel. Unlinked: These are Asylum who are not linked, the usual reasoning behind this is that their mental constitution is such, that it makes the linking process ineffective, this makes them vulnerable to insannadiction. However a.m.r.o only selects those Unlinked who have great potential. Usually unlinked have more raw power than linked Asylums, however they tend to use alchemy sparingly. Unlinked are also heavily loyal to a.m.r.o as they undergo a form of a semi brain washing or institutionalizing process.