[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qz3Gw8a.png[/img][/center] [color=bc8dbf][h3][center]~Charlotte LaChance~[/center][/h3][/color] [hr] The night passed swiftly, with Charlotte quickly falling asleep once Cait left her alone. Most of the time, she never remembered what she dreamed. Night was typically just one big giant blank spot on her memory. It made sleeping rather boring, honestly. She would much rather either be studying or stay awake. Not all that difficult with the help of a bit of alchemy potions of the self enhancing sort. She stayed awake for almost five days once before her roommates practically forced her to sleep. Tonight though, she would have rather had that dreamless rest... Charlotte woke with a start, eyes opening with a start as she was greeted with the sight of the dull grey stone of the cave rather than the cold, frost bitten dungeons of Astril and the smell of chemicals and blood. Well...she supposed being here was better than being there. The dark haired woman sat up, resting her arms on her knees, sitting there silent for a few moments as she merely shoved the thoughts out of her head, noticing Cait shivering off to the side. ... Charlotte sighed in irritation as she walked over to her equipment, picking up one of the rocks she had been using as a makeshift fire. Rocks, modified with the essence of Fire. Not that difficult to make if you had the proper materials. Worked just as well as an actual fire and could function as materials for other things if used properly. A limited lifespan once one used it, but could function as small heaters to keep one warm for awhile. It'd be enough at least for Cait to warm herself as she waited outside. She had work to do. She moved back over to where Cait was sleeping, and rather rudely shook the glowing haired woman awake. As soon as she did, she'd shove the rock in her hands and point to outside the cave. [color=bc8dbf]"Periménete ekeí éxo, kai den diakópsei!"[/color] Her voice was stern, but otherwise not hostile.