[@Cuccoruler] [@Hammerman] Occasionally witnessing a few animals in the distance, the trip to the next village was mostly uneventful. Bored, Vreskrr quickly turned to observing the other party members and the way they carried themselves. Subtly glancing at Alionna and Leila from time to time. Arriving at the village she'd do no more than frown when Feon stormed the village. But when other soon followed, she too decided to follow. Originally she'd gone off on a lazy jog, but revitalized by the screams and the raw emotion, her jog soon reached sprinting speed. Entering the town, Vreskrr completely ignored the orcs, until one attempted to strike a villager in her path. She really was just dodging the orc's strike, but to others it would look as if she'd tackled the orc to prevent it from striking the villager. Crawling up from on tip of the orc, she looked at the villager who then thanked her and ran. "Not a common response." she said to herself before stepping off the orc. It grabbed her leg and attempted to pull it. Now standing on one leg, Vreskrr supported herself with her tail and glared at the orc. "Oi, s***bag, if you value your face, you better let go." She warned it. Of course it paid no mind to her warning and would soon feel her clawed foot pressing down on its face. A cracking sound was heard and the orc let go, judging from the messy pulp that was once his face, he was dead. Looking around for the others she saw Kythe hiding behind a wall and looked at what he seemed to be looking at. "Great. He's here too." She complained, looking at Sven who was looking at...Leila!? Was this girl daft? Just being there was a death sentence, and asking questions wouldn't help that at all. Still, she felt sorry for the girl. Soon she'd be forced to witness what he'd become first-hand. With a sigh she dropped to all fours and rushed to Leila's side, this scene was too tragic, even for Vreskrr.