Kolonis had stuck to the rear of the pack, and had collected odds and ends here and there back in town and stuck them into her seemingly endless pockets. Her face was expressionless as she followed the group to the besieged town, and carried the same expression when she saw Sven in the distance. [i]Corruption or logic?[/i] Certain demons had the ability to corrupt others, and for a while Kolonis had wondered if Sven had simply fought evil too long. But there was always the possibility he believed in what he did completely regardless of outside influence. Whichever it was, he was plainly just a little too powerful to fit into any particular plan. [i]nobody is too powerful to fit into a plan,[/i] she told herself. [i]Nobody.[/i] There were others besides Sven, and those she took interest in. Others had plainly seen fit to join his cause. Destruction was always a goal that attracted a following, she supposed, though she could only speculate what the exact intentions of any of them were. No doubt to be on top when Sven subdued all possible threats. She made an effort to disguise her nature and to a limited extent her form, cloaking the slightly glimmering runes and masking her demonic signature. Undue attention would most undesirable. Her next task would be to decide just what to do. The dead were being dealt with by the group members ahead of her, and in that distraction she pushed her way through fleeing townsfolk towards a smaller house that seemed abandoned by the dead and living.