All along his journey, the lumo lights were running at far above their intended power setting, shining brightly and screeching with an electrical clicking forming a continuous sound until they couldn't handle the power no more and exploded. Lighting bolts arcing from the now exposed light fixtures. The bolts were not always blue like normal though, reds, purples and even black. As parts grew dark the the shadows seemed to move, stir with beings within. As Zuriel moves through the corridor, it was the final straw for the few lumo lights that still remained, the presence of such heresy calling upon the power within its circuits and therefore overloading them in the same speed as he passed them. Making an eerie visual as the dread magos moved through the corridor, every light he passed exploded, his face never visible, but his hands ever fiddling... slowly. His head moved in ways that wasn't normal for a human, more like some sort of bird. As he walked up to the sensorium entry, the door opened, it still recognized him as one of the mech-wrights, dutifully opening so that the priest could enter and repair the systems in agony. How pitiful, such willingness to give to others. He walked up to the sensorium controls and then began to input commands. Overrides and eventually coupling his own mind jack into the device to physically override some parts of the systems. With an initial klaxon blare, it ceased to resist. The sensors of the [i]Justifiable[/i] turned on, and in a quick rate raised in power and intensity until it was working far above its designed specifications. Zuriel leaned on his hands upon the control board, staring at the data that streamed into the visual representations constructed by the cogitator arrays. Initially, just some debris was visible, then the different sections of the hulk, followed by the [i]Rigged fortune[/i] along with some of the other craft. The systems planetoids and satellites came into view, then the asteroid belt towards the edges of the system. During this time, the machines were audibly working at a massively high capacity, never meant for such abuse cogitator units were beginning to explode, then an entire array gave way. A part of the screen died, Zuriel did not move. Another explosion jarred the entire sensor chamber, another array short circuited and began to throw out lightning arcing to other consoles and into the floor. It fried another array. This was the final straw for the sensor chamber, the screen showed a red warning icon with the sections of the screen that was still whole until the whole room was filled with warning klaxons. Zuriel had spotted something though, a disturbance at the edge of the system. It could be vessels, cloaked from vision. The different kinds of the pitiful eldar was known to use such tactics, perhaps it was the soulless machines? Probably not, it didn't fit their ways. It didn't matter if it was eldar, imperials or some unknown force. Zuriel did not care. As the screen turned red he left the console and moved to the door, the sensor arrays were now sending out so much energy that most sensor systems of the vessels close to the hulk were only showing static, even things aboard the hulk was beginning to suffer faults and static, comm beads were hard to use the closer they were to the carcass of the [i]Justifiable[/i]. As he was leaving the hallways of the ship for the last time ever to tread upon the hulk itself, he spoke to himself, the ship and anyone who would be able to hear. -"Farewell tortured girl, you will not be missed." Finished with a gleaming insane smile before his form turned into mist. It was there the reactors couldn't hold any longer, they went critical. The ensuing explosion was enough to rock the entire hulk, the hulk-quake kept going as secondary systems aboard the [i]Justifiable[/i] exploded. Energy was being thrown out into space and into the hulk in visible arcs of warp lightning and electricity. The warship that had been wrapped around the outer port side of the hulk was now more reminiscent of the skeleton of an animal which ribs pointed towards the desert sun. Now the [i]Justifiable[/i] was forever part of the hulk, there was nothing of value left to plunder, it was just lucky that the warp reactors safety features had held under such stress and prevented a warp rift from appearing. As he went to the void as a cloud of warp mist, he heard the echoes of the warp. He felt them stronger now, the psyker which made summons, the dark patches which most reminded him of the minions of the devourer. The small life candles scattered all over the hulk. Some smaller some bigger. Even though he'd never seen them, he knew of them, the knowledge coming to him as he needed it. He made a mental smirk, this was going to be interesting.