[center][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/3f8a845e5b4eace4a1c65555fd5f13f0/tumblr_muvz6ofOPk1qatsroo1_500.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Myra Sylvan[/b] 27|5'9|Female [/center] [ S Y N O P S I S ] [indent]Myra is an aeronautical engineer, obsessed with uncovering how things function and fit. Living in the bustling isle of Ventui has forged within her a philosophical outlook on life. Her insatiable hunger for answers has led to... [i]minor[/i] discrepancies in the past. When presented a task, Myra leaps upon it eagerly, keen on facing any challenge - much to the dismay of her colleagues. Her sights have been unflinchingly fixed upon solving how the floating isles came to be, and on investigating the aberrant obelisks amidst them.[/indent] [ A P P E A R A N C E ] [indent]A lithe woman fitted with honey-blonde locks, neatly tied up, as is protocol for engineers. Despite long hours spent at work, her hair manages have only a spare few wisps out of place. She stands tall, her back ramrod straight. Her skin is a soft ivory, though her hands are calloused and rough. Myra's light green, catlike gaze, is almost always filled with a mysterious spark. What flame that spark tends...is left to those around her to decipher.[/indent] [ P E R S O N A L I T Y ] [indent]The perfect balance of danger and charm, Myra is at the same time fascinating and inaccessible, distant and observant, yet plenty capable of keeping a conversation. Though, she is stubborn willed; once an idea finds its way into her mind, it will [i]not[/i] budge until [i]all[/i] options have been exhausted. She has a tendency to get lost in her thoughts, deciding on a course of action isn't her strong suit. However, when a plan is formed, she is the woman to see it through.[/indent] [ H I S T O R Y ] [indent]Born to a modest scholar and a military pilot, Myra's interests were shaped at an early age. Growing up, she was constantly taking things apart and piecing them back together - or attempting to (especially when she had taken apart her father's favorite rolling-chair). She would go with her mother to the watch flight simulations, and attend award ceremonies full of the boisterous Venturian military; pilots, scientists and engineers included. At one of the ceremonies, Myra was able to come into contact with a professor McElreath, who had told the girl of his trips across the United Isles - though the most fascinating tale was that of the Obelisk on Leigr. Every young child in the Isles had heard the story of how the islands rose into the sky and of the Ring of Thunder. The man didn't repeat the story when speaking with her that day, but he did give her a slow once-over, and a nod, confirming something known only to himself before saying, "When we ask for the truth, dear girl, we'd better know what we're getting into." He laughed, a sparkle in his aged grey eyes, "You see, this world is full of truths, but one has to be willing to sacrifice if they want to find them, to find benefit in it. You have the same look I did when I was your age, girl. Something tells me you're gonna be alright." He continued to tell her of his adventures across the isles and what the various cultures had provided him, the knowledge of their world within a world. Living on the Isles isn't something you tend to question all that often until you're reminded that their is, indeed, something else out there. Knowing that that something was directly below her whispered the promise of adventure. She was going to figure out how the United Isles had come to lift into the sky, and she was going to figure out what everything meant. Even if she died trying. [/indent] [ N O T E S / O T H E R I N F O ] [indent]She carries an heirloom dagger strapped to her left leg, belonging to her great-great grandfather who had been the first of the family to take flight. It's not there for sentimental purpose. She dabbled in botany for a while, moving across the isles studying the plants and even some of the geography - though she lost interest, she still can recognize certain flora.[/indent]