Astiroth unsheathed his blade and charged at several orcs that were distracted attacking town guards. With one swing, his blade had decapitated two of them. The other orc turned his attention too late and was met with sharp blade in the middle of his skull. "Leave quickly!" He shouted to the guards. Jason turned his attention to other orcs with the entent of thinning the herd. If the orcs all turned their attention to the group before their numbers were dwindled then it could lead to a rather big problem. [hr] Masrith only turned a small gaze toward the new group. "Their numbers are rather split. Killing them wouldn't be an issue." He turned back toward several humans that seemed to be in a dormant state, unhindered by the feelings of dread that plagued the rest of the town. "I would hate to lose test subjects. Sven, have Tysetaz kill them. He looks as if he has been waiting for a worthy group. Something to warm him up may be appreciated." Masrith snapped his fingers, this led to an orc bringing a rather large metal case. "I suppose I could do a little field work. He kneeled down and opened the case and began to do something that looked like prepping equipment.