[quote]Sure, I might have gone overboard with saying that he threw a hissy fit, but two wrongs don't make a right, Poohead.[/quote] True, so you shouldn't be acting like this. [quote]Isn't PMing about him the ultimate way of talking behind his back? That's my belief. If I put it here, it's right in front of him if he wishes to see it. That idea kinda opens a whole can of worms though. It means that everyone's been talking behind everyone's back which actually isn't such a crazy idea in today's topsy-turvy society. It would be more accurate to say that PMing is more for keeping the streets clean, but does nothing for morality. I once knew a GM's sister who PMs me bad things about the GM. It's not pretty, but it's even more insidious. At the end, no one likes her because it shows in other ways. Probably because someone else PMed bad things about her? Anyway, you should see the pattern. But I guess I'll have to grudgingly buy into this system of shit talking behind everyone's back rather than laying it out in the open if I want to continue in this RP. While I'm not going to shit talk in PM... I guess the good thing is that the streets will be clean again. I'll be doing my part to hose it down with water and bleach. *Puts away suitcase and hat* :lol [/quote] The point is, is that I cannot control what you say in PM but I do have an obligation to keep things nice here. But you could solve all of the problem by not talking shit in general anywhere, if it bothers you. Which is what I suggest. Now, let us get on with the RP.