[@WrongEndoftheRainbow] Not sure whether you still need this, but here's a summary of the debate: 1) Please consider [b]shrinking down[/b] many of the geographical features. Things are beginning to get crowded and we are still meant to be working on a huge, Earth-like planet. 1.1) [hider=The Mutton Map] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/859d3696-a5ae-41c4-b42d-7e3a7d620f5c.png[/img] [/hider] 2) I would also suggest moving the map edges more westward, closer to the changing plains. Mesathelassa is better developed at this point. 3) [hider=Termite's thoroughly more offensive graffiti] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/7a9d54b8-899b-4e9e-9e56-81d3b82f839f.png[/img] [/hider] 4) More Termite: [indent]-What happened to Jvan's peninsula? She's somehow ended up at a channel between the southern ocean and the fractal sea? She's always been at the northernmost point of an isthmus stretching up from land, specifically so that you can reach her on foot or horseback from both east and west; Somehow that got turned completely inside out. -The Mangrove shrunk substantially and the Forgotten Craglands inside it went AWOL. -The Shimmering Sea changed shape, deleting a section of land to the south of it (which promptly got resurrected as a land bridge enclosing an inland sea?) as well as making Vetros almost coastal. -The Venomweald grew quite a bit, so the Valley of Peace is kind of fusing with the Ironhearts- That's not much of a problem by itself, but the connection between the Steppe and the Valley is growing thinner, which makes Angelblood Ridge hard to place since it took place in the foothills. -The north of the Fractal Sea is growing bigger and lumpier over time, as well as marching steadily west. That vaguely phallic top bit should be a long, narrow inlet directly above Jvan, at least at the very top. -Rivers, people! Where did those Mesathalassan rivers go? Details added- -Volcano squashing the northwest Metatic acalya outbreak. I should've put it more inland, whoops. Also, Acalya forests have containment zones guarded by Jvan's conglomeration of intelligent species. -The Metera Valley civilisation has probably fused with the Rovaick settlement that was closest to Bormahven. -Forgotten Craglands reappeared- A nest of cliffs and highland weirdforests pierced by the Mahd, in which lies the grave of Slough. -Angelblood Ridge somewhere-or-other.[/indent] 5) Islands are good. Do we have an Iceland or Hawaii yet? More volcanoes! More islands! 6) More Termite: [indent]-Inland seas! Think of the Aral, Dead and Caspian seas. -Lakes! Lakes everywhere! The Great Lakes, Lake Baikal, Lake Victoria, Lake Chad, Lake Malawi... Big lakes are awesome, guys! -Rivers! Rivers can be used as highways, provided they don't have rapids or waterfalls serving as a chokepoint, and are a lifeline for cities. -Volcanic islands, archipelagos, and atolls! The west Pacific is riddled with islands! Think of Polynesia, Micronesia, Indonesia, the Philippines, the Caribbean, Japan, what have you! -Reefs! Where did the Drenched Flowerbed go? It was our resident Great Barrier Reef analogue. -Mudflats? Sure, why not? -Salt pans! Possibly as a result of a failed attempt at making a sea? That said, though, there's not much civilisation-wise you can do with a salt flat other than trade the salt. -Trenches... Actually, we don't need trenches, the whole south-center of the Fractal Sea practically is one. Plenty of space to be deep, dark and spooky. THAT SAID they do tend to pop up around islands and undoubtedly contain Blood Wells... -Cenotes! Vakarlon made a cave system that riddles Galbar and the Submaterium presumably connects to it, so having some giant flooded holes in the ground would be awesome.[/indent] 7) Someone finally revises "Capital" into "Alefpria" 8) Khommentary: [indent]-For one reason or another, Lake Grasidar seems to have disappeared from the map, along with Old Bark-Skin :\ -To correct Mutton's edit: the Oath of Stilldeath and the Chronos Portal lies, I believe, beneath Old Bark-Skin rather than in the ruins of the Solitary Mount -With regards to size, I think the map should be [i]stretched[/i] slightly, if possible. -Piktaraika (previously Julkofyr's thingplace) should be far smaller than that, and the Hilt also[/indent] 9) I kinda need the Pictaraika to stay as something that can block passage to Mesathalassa, along with the messed up forest on its west(comming soon), it is an important thing for me. Though if needed the thing could go down on that circle. 10) Land bridges were intentionally made by Vestec when he created the World Mountain in a cataclysmic manner, to contain all the flooding and stuff. At some time we need something to break that. ... Ocean size-changes weren't entirely an artefact of map-creation. Although I'm sure some adjustments might be in order. Especially for Jvan's isthmus; that should be preserved. 11) Rivers are the lifeblood of civilisation. They are important. 12) Agreed. More inland bodies of water. Many of these would probably form naturally. We shall try to remember such features when describing new areas. 13) Volcanic islands are slightly more tricky. On Galbar, currently the only (established) volcanic region is the Ironheart Ranges, which is decidedly inland. Such regions might require a god to create them. In the remains of the south pole, however, are plenty of new islands and archipelagos, although they're more arctic than pacific in climate. The Fractal Sea is unlikely to contain natural islands, due to its unusual depth and formation. The Shimmering Sea, however, could easily have many islands. And the Metatic Ocean, formed by cataclysmic flooding, may have islands where there used to be mountains. 14) There are too many sources mentioning it [Piktaraika] to be round, hell, my Pictaraika shrines are supposedly in a perfect circle. I will be doing something with the surface so I need it to be the least the size of an European country. ...a smaller Pictaraika just means a larger twisted forest. As it needs to be a barrier. 15) I'm really pro-making the map more detailed so it can contain more things, places like the Mesathalassa and the Firewind are the size of small continents in comparison to Earth, surely we could do more with those zones. 16) A Capybara's art: [indent]This is my current personal map of the region, pink is barrier forest to be. Idk how big that means the mountains will be. [hider=Map Mesathalassa] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ounuAdd.png[/img] [/hider][/indent] 17) As in for the question of more islands: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tectonic movements, etc. are all controlled by djinn of the respective element. With the Change-Eaters shaking up the delicate balance one can expect a lot more natural disasters and localized events. This seems appropriate because I agree with BBeast that cataclysms of divine making are really strong and shouldn't be happening every few pages, but most of these djinn aren't strong enough to do anything that will have more than a regional impact. 18) I went back and checked the creation post of the Darkened Spires. My apologies. It seems I had the wrong mental picture of it all along. [url]http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3384892[/url] The Darkened Spires were indeed formed from an impact crater, so they would be big and round. Carry on. 18.1) Khommentary: [indent]big and around, yes, but I still think it's currently too big. It's pretty much the same size/almost bigger than the Valley of Peace. But if you require it to be so big for your plans, I guess we can let it slide/assume Illu's alterations affected size also. 19) Regarding map size/things getting crowded. We just need to shrink down many of the sites and their accompanying names, and make it so the map has very high resolution and we can simply zoom in on particular areas to sea details. For example: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/58/61/49/586149fe00dddc2986d5e1a6789705ef.jpg[/indent] 20) As for the map border, I believe the suggestion was to change the map border line to run through the Shattered Plains, as that region lacks many features. 21) Really, the map's scale as it is functions fine as an abstract representation of the main things on the planet. It's just that we could use more regional maps to really punch in the scale of Galbar, like Termite suggests and like you did with the Mesathelassan hain tribes. Without that kind of stuff, the valley of peace is still bigger than the Black sea. 22) By the way, I'm all for islands. Feel free to pop them up around the metatic ocean. That was a transmutational clusterfuck that could have resulted in any number of isolated archipelagos. Except near Cornerstone. The water is rather universally deep there. 23) Some enterprising folk could probably dig canals with tollways or some 'reverse ferry' rackets until dynamite is invented. All these new bodies of water formed by the landbridges need names, too. First come, first served! I'm more amenable to the landbridges, not for making bits of the world more connected, but because we as the god characters could make cool moments out of opening them up and they do seem like something sailors would curse Vestec for. It's a bit of a selfish opinion. I'm easy about what happens to them. I'm also all for adding new terrain features. However, not every single one has to be visible from the world map. Regional maps can deal with that kind of stuff. 24) [hider=My Hider] [img]http://i.imgur.com/yzhkGMd.png[/img] [/hider] Areas in red were deleted from the map apparently due to Inkarnate's limited size. I think... we should just return them when given the chance. Mesathalassa also lost a lot of land, but I like the lean strip of the new one (and I already based too much of my time on that size.) 25) I have just one more suggestion for a new map: the flooded south ought to be covered in an ice cap to some extent. I mean, it'll be smaller than it needs to look due to the effect of flattening a sphere (see Antarctica on a flat map), but it still makes more sense than a perpetual thaw on one of the coldest spots on the planet.