[@beyond visions]About time, right? Seriously, sorry for the delay. Thanks for being patient with us. As for a Season 2, I guess I don't really know what to think about the idea. A time skip is potentially interesting, but part of me would rather just play things out and see how our characters would progress through this story. Originally when I joined this RP it was under the premise that we would all just be a buncha people stuck in space trying to decide whether to go home or try to start life again on a new planet, and to be honest I was a bit hesitant when things shifted away from being small, contained, and focused to bigger, broader, and more expansive. That's not to say that it hasn't turned out to be interesting or fun, but just that it was different than what I had been expecting. I kind of feel the same way about making a Season 2. However, none of that really matters, because at the end of the day I enjoy writing with you guys. I've been RPing for over a goddamn decade now, and it's rare to find people who are willing to commit themselves to something. What's even more rare is finding a GM who is ready to commit themselves to something, especially when things begin to move slow or go awry. Seriously, in my more than a year and a half on this site I've only found two other GMs as tenacious as you, [@beyond visions], and I respect the hell outta all of you for it. Plus, from what I've read and seen it seems that I've been rather fortunate in that regard. So I guess that my point is that I don't really mind what we do, because I trust you. You'll work with it and us to make it great. That said, I still don't really get the entire purpose of making a new RP unless there was a hope to try and bring new players in, which would that even work?