[@Sionnie][@The1Rolling1Boy][@booksmusicanime] Anna took his hand and gently shook it as looked up into his eyes. He was just so handsome to her, but shook the thoughts out of her head. She led the way back to the pool, a bit shy about taking off her towel and revealing her swimsuit. [@booksmusicanime] Alexander was a bit surprised when she leaned her head on his shoulder, but then a warm smile appeared on his face. He gently ran his fingers through her hair. "Tired?" [hr] Zorin saw him sit up, but was out of words at the moment. [i]I guess I'll just stay quiet for bit then.[/i] He decided to sit next to him as he realized he was still hungry. "You know, I never got my apple." [i]So much for staying quiet.[/i] He mentally laughed at the thought.