[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ETCUzUf.png[/img][/center] The orange haired woman couldn't resist letting out a yawn as she was rudely shaken awake, and despite trying to go back to bed for a few seconds after the other woman was done found herself unable to do so. Rising up and stretching, a strange and warm rock was pressed into her hands which she pulled against her chest for warmth. It was probably one of the strange supplies that Charlotte had brought with her along with the glass vials and such. Leaving the cave while rubbing her eyes, the native was curious about what had called for them to wake up so early in the morning. Perhaps these other people's preferred to eat alone, and were somehow solitary? It was rather obvious the black haired woman and her had some differences, but how far did they go? Sitting herself down in a comfortable looking patch of grass outside the cave, the native sighed as she leaned against a comfortable looking rock and closed her eyes in attempt to fall asleep once more.