Aliyah nodded as Gary expressed concern about the limo fitting in a parking area. It could be a challenge, but one they would work around if necessary. She laughed as Gary expressed dissatisfaction with Duncan's shopping methods. Not that she could complain. She was very much a let me just grab what fits when I need it and call it a day type shopper herself. They chatted about the day's plans, and agreed to meet back up. She declined their offer of a ride. She needed some space to think about what was happening in her life. She excused herself and headed towards home. She smoked only one cigarette on the way, which for her was a vast improvement, but she had been making strides towards quitting. She let herself into her tiny studio apartment and sighed. She emptied her apron of crumpled bills and tucked them into what had once started life as a 5lb cottage cheese container. She had over time decorated it in many forms. Today it was wearing a lovely wrapping of purple camouflage duct tape. She didn't even bother to count it today. Thanks to Duncan her tips over the last several days had been more than she normally made. She got into the shower and got ready in record time. She had chosen a pair of skinny legged jeans, a tank top that was fitted near the chest and loose and flowing down to where it hit her mid thigh. She slipped her feet into knee high black boots with a low heel. She ran a brush through her hair. She tied it back before tucking her phone, ID and cash into her back pocket. She rushed out the door hurrying back to meet up with Duncan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ They ended up at a shopping center filled with clothing stores, it wasn't quite a mall. It was filled with places that were much nicer than Aliyah was comfortable with, but based on the long suffering sigh from Gary, not quite as high end as HE would have preferred. Aliyah cheated. As soon as she was able to split away from Duncan and Gary she cornered one of the sales girls and begged for help. She was soon locked in a dressing room with item after item handed to her. She had no idea what she was doing, so she let herself be dressed and redressed like an over sized doll. The sales girl finally decided on a pair of slacks that were red, and a black fitted shirt. Aliyah didn't know that she liked it, but she was going to go with it. ( She wasn't too sure what to think about the Turkish restaurant, she was a very american food kind of girl. She looked on in shock as he spoke in Turkish. He was full of surprises. She laughed as he told her the story of the tea. Yeah a six pack of redbulls would certainly do a number on anyone. She could imagine the scene. Science has said that sugar highs in kids were purely anectdotal, but she disagreed. Kids were little shits on too much sugar. She looked at him sympathetically when his talking took a downward turn. She reached over and lightly rested her hand on his forearm, giving him a supportive smile. "We all have memories like that." She said quietly. He asked about her and she shrugged a little before tucking her hair behind her ear. "There really isn't a lot to tell. I am a native to Vegas. My mom had her issues, so we moved around a lot, one crappy place after another. I really spent most of my time growing up in the library. I started at the Omlette house... oh boy it's got to be four or five years ago. I like it though. I've got my regulars." She looked at him and smiled shyly. "and once in a while I get a chance to meet some very interesting people."