[@KatherinWinter][@WildRose] [center]Mari[/center] "Thank you," Mari said to Juni, grateful for the kind words. "I appreciate-" she was cut off by Zsadist reappearing in the room. He looked like a demon straight out of hell. Correction : he looked like the nightmare of a demon straight out of hell. His anger rolled off of him like a black plague and it terrified her. Juni obviously felt the same because she exited the room quickly after saying some words that Mari didn't really comprehend. She was too busy looking into the blackness that was Zsadist's eyes. She swallowed hard, her throat hurting with the movement. Her mouth felt dry and her hands still shook. "I... Forgive me," she said, bowing her head to him in a show of submission, to avoid angering him more. "I shouldn't have called him. Gage just... he means well I promise. Please don't kill him." She ventured a peek at him, her grey blue eyes searching his dark ones for even a small glimmer that he was calming down. Talking people down was part of her job. But there was a difference between speaking to a depressed human and an angered male vampire. Especially a Brother on top of that. And this wasn't just any Brother. There was something about him... something deep and dark and violent. But seeing that dark violence didn't make her want to flee. Strangely, it made her want to peer closer, to uncover the source of that darkness and soothe it away. Mari stood without realizing she was going to do so. It seemed the more she stared at him, the more her body seemed to move of it's own accord. An instinct that made her want to touch and soothe, like a healing balm to an angry wound. Her hand touched his arm and a small gasp escaped her. He was spun steel. There was no softness to be found in him. She wondered what she must feel like to him. There was a jolt of electricity where her skin met his that made her freeze.