[@EurmalEye] [center]Sadara[/center] Sadara was surprised, but not fearful of the figure in the room. To harm the King's Oracle would be to invite death. Besides, if such a thing were his aim she would welcome death if it meant escape from the life she had and the future she feared was coming. She didn't move from the map, keeping the large table between them. "It is not just anyone who finds themselves so comfortable in the King's solar," she said, her own voice low and emotionless, having been trained from years of servitude to the Elemental King. She meant these words as both a subtle inquiry as to the figure's identity and a veiled warning as to what he would face if the King found him in his private solar without permission. There was nothing for her to do now but wait. She would not be allowed to leave the room until the King arrived and saw the mark she had made on the map. She studied the mark curiously. The middle of the sea? What could possibly be of importance there? A ship? An island? Sadara closed her eyes and prayed to gods she wasn't sure existed that the mark made some sense to the King and hence she would not be punished for wasting his precious time. The sooner his attention was off of her, the better.