[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qz3Gw8a.png[/img][/center] [color=bc8dbf][h3][center]~Charlotte LaChance~[/center][/h3][/color] [hr] With Cait out of the picture, Charlotte decided to work quickly. She picked up the glass bottle that contained the slightly acidic liquid and moved to the back of the cave. She'd have to work on the fancy bits and finishing touches later, but for now she hopefully had enough to at least make a bit more room for herself. Enough room for her supplies, a desk, some storage containers a proper bed and a few other things that she would need. First and foremost though, was priming the earth to move. Just a small bit of her life essence infused into the bottle and it'd be set. She exhaled, the glass flask glowing a faint bright green color as its contents sparked lightly. Damn, not as strong as she'd have hoped...but it'd do for now. She could make a stronger one later. For now, she was going to encourage this earth to move. With a swift motion, she poured the entire green substance onto the ground below, making sure the liquid at least was able to cover most of the back of the cave and the floor. A small entrance was fine for now. She could work on that later. Next...was waiting, not for long, but the process was already out of her hands. She did all she could, all she could do now was rely on the latent power of the earth setting to work. Thankfully it seemed she didn't have to wait long. Suddenly, the earth in the immediate area began to shift, as if a miniature earthquake was happening. The liquid spread on the ground sizzled, before being absorbed into the earth, green lines of energy crackling along the surface as cracks began appearing. Now all she had to do was watch as the earths natural Erosion process was sped up to an unnatural rate. The earth moved before her eyes, hollowing out a decently sized cave as the earth retreated from the area. It was about as big as a small home, though from even. Rocky stalagmites and stalactites hung fro, the floor and ceiling making the room a bit less welcoming, but it was fine. It definitely could use a few finishing touches from human hands, but she could make do for now. It had room enough for her to finally stand without her goddamn head hitting the ceiling and that was all she wanted for now. Now all she needed was shelves, a proper bed, some storage containers and then a few more alchemy supplies and she'd have a nice little bed here. Too bad she had to use alchemy to use it though, this place would be much less reactive to such changes for awhile now... Ah well. She was satisfied with this. After a few moments of making sure the process was completed, Charlotte turned back to the cave entrance. [color=bc8dbf]"Cait, boreíte na epistrépsete sto. Prosektikí tychón kinoúmenon vráchon."[/color]