[hider= Light Sage: Ostel Von Grimward (Kushluk Shimazu)] [b]Name:[/b] Ostel Von Grimward [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] Twenty-four [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] Five foot and ten inches [b]Weight:[/b] Two hundred and ten pounds [b]Continent:[/b] Lucerna [b]Appearance:[/b] Sky blue eyes and short brown hair stands in stark contrast to the human’s imposing, firm build. His months in the cold upper reaches of Lucerna have given him a fair-skinned complexion. Ostel wears a set of brown colored boots made from the fur of his prey, dark green pants that are fastened to his waist by a black belt, which has numerous pouches of herbs and other misc. items. He dons a vest of chain mail over his blue tunic and white long sleeved shirt. Usually this is covered by richly dark fur cloak, and an amulet of a silver wolf hangs around his neck. [b[Personality:[/b] He is wary of most individuals, but is confident of his own abilities as a fighter to speak to others in a firm but polite manner. Though not quick to anger he does remember those that belittle him as a bastard and think less of him just based on that. He tries to maintain his own moral code of ethics despite his upbringing, by treating others as he wishes to be treated. [b]History:[/b] Having been born a bastard to the Grimward house of Ravenscrest, Ostel has been treated with tolerance and contempt by his own family. He only counts Snow, his hunting wolf, as his one true friend in the Ravencrest Household. Thankfully he has learned from his father Magnus, the beloved lord of Ravencrest, about some of the customs and courtesies to temper the smoldering fire in this young man’s heart. Since he could hold a stick, Ostel trained to be a skilled swordsman and clever hunter under the best trackers and soldiers on Lucerna. While his true blood siblings were educated in the politics of humanity, Ostel spent his days learning spells, honing his swordsmanship, and becoming one of the finest human hunters in his homeland. He trained with his mentors one of the few remaining forests on the northern coast of Lucerna under the watchful gaze of many a veteran warrior. [b]Weapons:[/b] Fittingly, Ostel wields a bastard sword, which he keeps in a sheath on his black belt. He also carries with him a longbow and never leaves home without his quiver full. Along with this arsenal he has a heavy throwing axe and a simple hunting dagger he keeps in his right boot. But his prized weapon is the Dawnbringer, an ancient decorated warhmmar passed down to all the Sages of Light from the Grimward family. In his hands it weighs as light as a feather, but to all others it weighs about twice the weight it seems. The Dawnbringer is ecthed with mystical runes and majestic battles of a time long forgotten all along the handle of the mighty weapon. One side of the warhammer's head is curved to a sharpened point like a hawk's beak, whereas the other side is used for a vicous pummeling. Legends say that in the hands of the Sage of Light, the ancient weapon is said to become an awesome and terrible instrument. [b]Pet:[/b] His one true and loyal hunting partner, a ferocious red-eyed white wolf. He calls the wolf Snow due to his white fur. [b]Powers:[/b] Ostel has three skills that he has mastered on his own thus far: [i]Mending:[/i] The Grimward bastard can heal an injured person by merely resting his palms upon them, and then through his own force of will, a soft glow of simmering light will resonate from his hands. A warm feeling will course through the injured person as open wounds will close, bones will mend, and even tainted toxins seem to evaporate from the body. Only the most serious injuries are beyond his ability to mend, however the more severe the injury, the more it fatigues Ostel. If it becomes too much for him he would black out for a brief period of time. [i]Blinding Light:[/i] Ostel can also bring both his hands together to cause a blinding light that can disorient anyone looking at him. While effective he can blind himself too if he isn't careful about the intensity. [i]Augment:[/i] Another useful skill is to enchant his weapon with the power of the light to deal tremendous damage to dark-born beings, and sometimes with weaker willed undead creatures, this act can scare them off. [b]Strengths:[/b] A gifted swordsman and skillful hunter, Ostel is very open and friendly around others but rather blunt in speech. He has good enough sense to know when it is time to relax, and when to let his training kick in to do what needs to be done. If Ostel counts you as a friend than he is a loyal and stout comrade who will do his utmost to ensure that you live to see another day. Ostel’s most exceptional strength however comes from the fact that he does not seem to be as xenophobic as most humans are. He has an open mind about most possibilities and sees the other races not as a threat, but instead as equals. This has not earned him many friends among his kin sadly, but he is content with his way of thinking. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Ostel is not extremely patient. When he become aggravated at someone’s bloated ego, moronic reasoning, or selfish tendencies, he may snap a bit if he does not catch himself. When this happens he lets all the posturing and formalities drop and he does not care about the ramifications of his actions. Depending on situation and the person, Ostel will act in a number of different ways. He can go from merely walking away, bashing the person over the head, becoming silent and glowering at the person, to becoming an asshole that will not shut up until he gets his point across. As a bastard he has been chided for seemingly not caring at times, and at rare moments he even will sometimes agree that he does not care. Though he can operate around others, even lead if he has to, if the stress builds up he toys with the idea of simply going it alone with just him and Snow. Also he is very bitter about being a bastard, despite all the good he tries to do. You make fun of him about it, then you are treading on thin ice with him from then on out. When he does make a call, he sticks with it to the end like a stubborn bull. He tries to do the right thing when he can, but can come off as brash and naïve. This may lead to misunderstandings between those who do not know his way of doing things. Despite the aura of confidence, deep down he is clouded by doubt as to his place in the world. Sometimes he does let his pride get the best of him, but he means well. [b]Other:[/b] He has recently been given a condemned elven slave girl as a 'gift' from his father. This elf, known only as Summer, follows him with her gaze ever downward. Though she is supposed to not wear clothes by law, Ostel often lets her wear his fur cloak and a white sun dress he bought from a random passerby. Again, this does not win him many friends. But no one has yet to challenge and best the bastard of Ravencrest, not yet anyways ...[/hider] --- [Hider= Wind Sage: Summer (Kokushi)] Name: Summer Race: Elf/Shifter Age: Looks to be either 17 or 18 Gender: Female Height: 5’7” Weight: 140lbs Appearance: As she is a slave Summer is not allowed to wear clothes. Her lithe elf features show the early stages of youth, from her milky white skin, her rich shoulder length blonde hair, her long elvish ears that spike out from her hair, to her ample bosom. Her one odd feature aside from being a normal young elf in the spring of her youth is her violet eyes and a scar running horizontally across her right cheek just under her eye. Since being with under Ostel’s care, he often lets her wear his fur cloak and a white sun dress he bought from a random passerby. Due to her fear of being punished again for something she can't control, Summer stays close to Ostel to avoid being taken by someone else. [img] http://i1347.photobucket.com/albums/p712/KokushiMiya/20140201_175159_zpsefa6dac0.jpg[/img] Personality: There is little to be said about Summer’s personality as she rarely speaks, so much of what can be said is taken from her nonverbal acts. She seems to be an obedient slave, who tries her utmost to see to her master’s needs. When confronted by someone on the road about being a slave she merely hides behind her master. She is however a very thoughtful and kind elf, who seems to understand what people need without asking. Whether this was due to her years as a slave or her natural state of mind is anyone’s guess. History: Long ago in the center of the human continent, a small sect of elves in one of the few forests refused to go with their brethren to their homeland of Tellus. These elves told their departing kin that they would rather fight to protect their homes that they lived in for generations rather than run from mere humans. Saddened but respecting their wishes most of the elves left with heavy hearts. Years late as tensions rose between the remaining elves and the encroaching human settlers the elf leaders of Tellus made a brutal decision not to go to war with the humans over so few. So the elf leaders turned a sad eye as their outcast kin fought to defend their pathetic strip of land from the Human’s influence … alone. In time the stranded elves lost this bitter conflict, and thus they became slaves to their human masters, of whom the chief among them where the ancestors of Grimward. While at first the humans where cruel to the conquered elves, in time they allowed some elves small privileges as loyal servants or valued concubines. As these few elves gained knowledge of their past and wisdom of their own, they decided to rally their enslaved brethren to revolt against their human masters to gain their freedom. It was not a happy ending for either side. After a brutal few years, the revolt was put down and the measures against the elves where never questioned as being too harsh. To start the elves were not allowed to wear clothes to remind them of their transgressions, also they were not allowed to carry or use weapons, and not to speak unless spoken to. Fearing the seed of another revolt the humans went so far as to kill off any elf over the age of a hundred so no one wise enough would educate the younger generation with the ideals of freedom. The recent images of slaughter and chaos made many humans who normally would have said something against this turn a blind eye. Summer came to the Grimward a few years ago as a prized slave of the highest stock, her delicate features making her privileged to lay with the noble Grimward children. Soon however on the night when the eldest tried to sleep with her, Summer panicked, and in the confusion kicked the young human. In a rage the man grabbed a knife and retaliated against her, giving her the scar she now has across her right cheek. After the eldest son of the Grimward had their way, Summer was given her punishment the next day. The young elf was confined in a cell in the dungeon for over a month, and then to be executed. Oddly enough however the sentence was withdrawn to the shock of many. Magnus Grimward, the head of the Grimward family spared the elf, upon request from his bastard son Ostel. Then in a stunning move which no one saw coming, least of all the weakened and scared Summer, she was given to Ostel as a “gift”. Since then the young elf has barely spoken a word and merely does her duty as best as she can. She now fears what would happen when Ostel turns his gaze upon her like his brother did, but too afraid to act against it, and confused as to why she was spared death. Weapon: She currently has no weapon. Pet: Summer Rescued a rare white hawk on her travels with Ostel. Once the hawk was well enough to go back to the wild, Summer let it free with a heavy heart, only to be delighted when the Hawk came back to her almost immediately. Since then she has named it Merlin and the hawk has remained with her. [img]http://worldbirdinfo.net/BirdPhotos/017%20Accipitrinae%20Hawks%20and%20Eagles/White%20Hawk%20Bolivar%20State%20Venezuela%C2%A9Nick%20Athanas.jpg[/img] Powers: She can change into a White, Three-Tailed Fox Strengths: She has a seemingly incredible sense of empathy. Beyond that there seems little else beyond the fact that she is a great climber. Weaknesses: Currently virtually worthless in a fight, she cowers behind her master for safety as she was taught. She is afraid of others, but can’t help but do as she is told by her master. Also she hates being trapped underground in a cave or dungeon, and might be a bit claustrophobic. Other: Her violet eyes seem to draw extra attention to her from others, especially from other elves. To counter this her gaze is usually fixed on the ground. Ostel is also working on teaching Summer how to fight so she is able to take care of herself and if need be defend anyone she may soon feel to be a friend. Note: Weapon, Powers, Strengths and Weaknesses will be edited as Summer changes.[/hider] --- [hider=Fire Sage: Damien Ormansby (Grim327)] Name: Damien Ormansby Race: Human/Werewolf Age: 21 Gender: Male Height: 5’11” Weight: 215lbs Continent: Batillus Appearance: Human Form [img]http://i.gzn.jp/img/2009/09/24/ff14_trailar/snap00943.png[/img] Wolf Form [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs39/f/2008/315/b/3/New_Moon_by_darknatasha.jpg[/img] Personality: Damien is a laid-back optimist. He can often be found relaxing against a tree trunk or couch, wrapped up in his own mind with his best friend, Ember, lying beside him. This does not mean he is lazy, however, for when a task needs doing, he will fulfill the requirements to their fullest or the best of his abilities. All the while relaxing or doing, Damien will always have a positive outlook, hoping for the best of whatever is to come. When it comes to social interactions, Damien tends to keep his distance; at least for first meeting people. However, once he gets to know a group, he begins to open up more and dawns a playful attitude, in which he will poke fun at the situation and not take things too seriously unless the need arises. Damien doesn’t have too many individual relationships, but to those he does have one with, they will tell you that Damien is fiercely loyal and will do anything for a friend. They will also tell you he is a good listener, and seems to know the right thing to say when its needed most. Though he hasn’t found a significant other yet, he is a hopeless romantic, believing that the one is out there somewhere. Damien hopes the day he meets comes soon, but in the meantime, he will keep his mind focused on either the task at hand or the task of relaxing under his favorite tree. History: Damien was born to a Lycan couple that was a part of a nomadic Lycan tribe. The tribe much preferred the traditional way of life and living off the land with bare necessities. The tribe traveled all over Batillus, but never on any of the other continents. The tribe was small in comparison to major settlements, but the group new each other very well, and were considered family by one-another. In his early days, Damien was taught the fundamentals of survival; how to hunt, track, forage for food, build simple shelter, etc. In time, Damien was a young man that could potentially survive on his own. He was needed with the group, however, and instead honed his skills. He showed exceptional aptitude with the bow and arrow, however, and by the age of sixteen, he was among the best bowman in the camp. Interestingly, Damien prefers to use arrows he crafted himself rather than bought by smiths, as this was the way he was brought up. On his eighteenth birthday, Damien found a gift that could not be given by another person. While performing his morning shadow boxing, Damien let out a burst of fire from his palm. At first, he thought it was his mind playing tricks on him, but after concentrating a bit more, and performing more movements, he saw that he was able to conjure up fire, use [i] magic [/i] Neither of his parents were magic users, and only tribe elders had the ability to use magic. To no surprise, everyone and the elders were surprised at the discovery. However, it was not unheard of, and as such, Damien was put under the tutelage of the tribe Chief, whose task it was to teach Damien how to fully control his new found power. Two years passed since that day, and Damien came a long way. He was able to at least use his magic practically, and even use it in combat in a limited capacity. While two years ago may have arguably been the greatest day in his life, his worst day was soon upon him. A messenger from the regional Earl, Gilius Durby, that was near the path the tribe travels year-round, came upon them and informed them the Earl has claimed their land for use as a new settlement. The tribe obviously was outraged by the idea and had the messenger return to his Earl with their answer. The Earl was equally as furious that people would dare stand against him. While the tribe was prepared to fight for their land, they were not, however, prepared to face the numbers that were sent against them. The tribe was outnumbered three-to-one and though they fought valiantly, they were ultimately defeated, and nearly annihilated. However, Damien and was the sole survivor of the ordeal. Although he was wounded, Damien was able to extract himself from the carnage befallen his family. On that day, he swore vengeance against Gilius and any man who aided him in his people's destruction. Weapon: Bow and Arrow, two daggers Pet: Ember, his dog Powers: Fireball - Damien can create simple fire balls in the palms of his hand and hurling them at the enemy. The larger the fire ball, however, more concentration and time is required to conjure it up. Whips of Flame - Damien will conjure up two fire whips (one for each hand) that act as medium range weapons. With the element moving sporadically like a real whip, it will get difficult to control after prolonged use, so Damien has to limit his use to a few minutes at most. Burning Sensation - Damien enchants either his daggers or arrow tips with flames that will burn any organic tissue. However, the fire does little to nothing to dirt or rocky surfaces. Undead may be burned, but skeletons will take much longer for an effect to show, for bones don’t easily catch on fire. Strengths: Years of working with fire, one of the more volatile elements, has granted the gift of patience to Damien, able to wait and find a good opportunity to strike. Likewise, thanks to his laid-back attitude, Damien’s stress levels are relatively low, giving him a “Calm Under Pressure” approach to combat. Also, thanks to years of hunting, Damien has become proficient in the use of the bow and arrow, able to shoot two and possibly three arrows at once (though with less accuracy) Weaknesses: With fire being one of the more unstable of the elements, Damien has to pour more concentration into conjuring it up so as to keep form and control. In the social aspect, Damien is a little naïve, due to his upbringing in a tight-nit community, as such, he will often trust people to not swindle him or otherwise do other’s harm for their own good. While Damien may be exceptional when it comes to ranged attacks, his close quarters combat has much to be desired. One on one, he can suffice, but if ganged up on, Damien will be in a real pinch. Other: N/A [/hider] --- [hider= Earth Sage: Jade Fist (Kybur)] [b]Name:[/b] Jade Fist [b]Race:[/b] Elf [b]Age:[/b] 147 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 6’2 [b]Weight:[/b] 157 lbs [b]Continent:[/b] Tellus [b]Appearance:[/b] Jade Fist conceals his entire body in a set of rather bulky armor carved from dark jade slabs with a green hooded garment worn underneath. His gloves too are padded with dark, finely cut jade, evoking his widely known calling card. He is never, ever seen without his mask, again made from jade, which was carved to resemble the face of an ancient elven warrior. [b]Personality:[/b] By the public, Jade Fist is seen as a ruthless criminal with no remorse for human life. In truth, he is a solemn, adamant elf who doesn’t believe in needless violence or harming the innocent, be they human or otherwise. He is reclusive, untrusting, and cautious around just about everyone, slightly less so his own kind. [b]History:[/b] The history regarding the elven vigilante known as Jade Fist, to this day, remains a mystery to all. Many speculate he is a former slave seeking vengeance for the atrocities committed against his people. Others see him as an anarchistic mastermind looking to uproot the powers that rule over Lucerna. The more superstitious folk believe he is some kind of sick cultist who performs taboo experiments on innocent human beings. Some say he is a dead man brought back to life, and he hides his disgusting visage behind his jade mask. Be it claims of him being a hero, a villain, a symbol of justice, or some kind of boogeyman, all of these rumors are open to interpretation. Jade Fist goes by a handful of aliases, including the Green Death, the Manhunter, the Emerald One, and even the Jolly Giant Elf. “Jade Fist” is his most commonly granted nickname however, and it’s the one he prefers above all others, even his real name. The truth about the elf’s past is much more convoluted than anyone would be able to guess, however. Jade Fist prefers to keep it a secret, knowing full well the public knowing of his past would put him, and many others, in grave danger. When questioned, he maintains that anything the public says about him is a lie. He is unwilling to explain his history to anyone, even fellow elves, unless he is confident that he can trust them with his life. [b]Weapon:[/b] Pertaining to his name, Jade Fist’s jade-padded gauntlets augment his incredible prowess in hand-to-hand combat. Whenever his skills fail him, his powers prevail. [b]Pet:[/b] Jade Fist doesn’t own a pet. [b]Powers:[/b] Jade Fist possesses nigh unparalleled control over the earth. The combination of his steadfast fighting style and stalwart mindset render him fully capable of maintaining perfect control over the largest of structures forged from stone and soil. [b]Strengths:[/b] Even though his armor appears rather heavy for an elf, Jade Fist has proven himself to be swift, lightweight, and agile in any combat situation. His mental fortitude has also aided him time and time again from resisting taunts, interrogation, and even direct mental manipulation. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Jade Fist is visibly protective of his own kind and goes to great lengths to protect any and all elves when faced with the task. This can be seen as a weakness as he loses all composure when he witnesses the death of one of his people, especially when he believes he could have prevented it. [b]Other:[/b] Jade Fist is a wanted figure across the entire continent of Lucerna. Over time, his bounty has climbed to the staggering amount of twenty thousand gold coins. [/hider] ---- [hider= Dark Sage: Aegar Shadowborn (Lalliman)] Name: Aegar Shadowborn Race: Demon Age: 38, looks around 20 Gender: Male Height: 6'2 Weight: 180 lbs Continent: Tenebra Appearance: Aegar is tall, lean and athletic. His skin is black like coal, his hair white as snow and his eyes are a ghastly pale. His ears are pointed, though shorter than those of an elf and from his skull protrude two 4 inch curved horns. A large symbol is drawn across his chest in scar tissue, as if it was carved directly into his flesh. A variety of smaller scars are also scattered across his body, but these are usually all covered by his clothing. http://i1136.photobucket.com/albums/n494/lalliman/m7.jpg Personality: Aegar is a bitter and distrusting man who has dedicated his life to delivering justice in the only way he knows. He is ruthless to those he considers evil and acts distant towards everyone else. While he technically fights for the greater good, he doesn’t consider himself a hero and is motivated by his need for revenge rather than his need to protect the innocent. History: Aegar was born into a relatively peaceful tribe of demons, to a father and mother who both died during a brigand raid shortly after his birth. Unlike the characteristic pale-red skin tone of his tribe, Aegar was born with black skin and white hair, a phenomenon not unheard of among demons, but subject to superstition nonetheless. The clan elders claimed that these two events foreshadowed that there was some special destiny laid out for him, though for better or for worse they could not tell. Due to this, they renamed the orphan boy "Shadowborn", after the color of his pitch-black skin. After some controversy, he was adopted and raised by the other tribe members collectively. For a while, Aegar lived a normal life, as far as normal exists on Tenebra. He grew up as a gentle, quiet boy and was taught from an early age the basics of foraging, hunting and fighting for survival. When Aegar was nearing physical maturity, his talent for dark magic began surfacing. While he wasn't the only demon in his tribe to possess magic, none of the others had any formal training, so they could teach him nothing past the very basics. Despite that, his magical potential was clearly much greater than that of the others and he soon surpassed them in power, even with no one to teach him. But shortly after Aegar turned 30, considered the age of physical maturity among his people, everything changed. On Tenebra, even the most peaceful of villages are always on guard for marauders, but Aegar’s tribe was unprepared for an assault of this scale. The tribe members fought bravely against the invaders, but none of them were trained soldiers, so it didn’t take long for the hooded warriors to overrun them. The battle was little more than a blur to Aegar, but by the end he too found himself on the floor among the bodies of his fallen allies, wounded and losing consciousness. Just when he had accepted that his life was over, he found himself surrounded by the dark hooded figures. “It is done. He is the one.” was the last thing he heard before it all faded to black. The next thing he remembered was waking up on the same spot he passed out, with the hooded figures nowhere to be found. Despite his injuries he was miraculously alive, but one new injury had appeared that wasn’t there before. Drawn across his chest was now a large symbol, consisting of shallow cuts made directly into his flesh. Despite his wounds and blood loss, he miraculously managed to crawl his way to the nearest peaceful town. The town’s citizens aided him back to health from his near-death condition, but refused to give him any further refuge, because they were afraid of his unusual appearance and the sinister symbol that was now permanently etched into his skin. Broken, confused and robbed of his home and his people, Aegar became a wandering traveler who turned to petty thievery and working as a mercenary to survive. The events of that day had made him a different man, a man full of anger and thirst for revenge. All his time from that moment on was devoted to honing his fighting and magic skills, to forge himself into an instrument of revenge. Once he was proficient enough to survive on the harsh continent of Tenebra by himself, he set out to take justice into his own hands and hunt down whoever he deemed deserving of his punishment, hoping it would eventually trail him back to the men who ended his previous life. Weapon: Aegar carries a set of slightly curved twin swords and a pair of small daggers, both made of a non-reflective dark-grey metal. Pet: None Powers: So far, Aegar has taught himself the following 4 spells: Shroud - From his hands, Aegar can create what looks to an outsider like thick black smoke, but is actually artificial darkness. To anyone inside the cloud, it behaves like regular darkness, obscuring their sight if they don't have darkvision. The smoke slowly dissipates when contact with light. The more light, the faster it disappears. Aegar can currently fill an entire medium-sized room with artificial darkness within about 2 seconds. Umbra Blade - Aegar imbues his weapons with dark energy, causing them to scorch and corrupt whatever organic material they touch, dealing additional direct damage and leaving a trail of corruption wherever they touch. The corruption appears as black veins running through the organic tissue and will slowly spread when left alone. It has a painful and weakening effect and can be fatal when the corruption covers a large part of the body and/or reaches the heart or brain. Shallow corruption can be removed by exposure to bright light, while deep corruption can only be removed by healing magic. Shadow Bolt - Aegar can compress pure darkness into a volatile semi-solid form and launch it like a projectile. Upon impact, it bursts apart, dealing physical damage and creating a small cloud of artificial darkness, identical to the darkness created by the shroud spell. The direct damage of the shadow bolt is low, but it creates a small patch of corruption whenever it hits organic material. Living Shadow – Aegar’s shadow semi-solidifies into a near-perfect three-dimensional replica of him. The only way to tell shadow Aegar apart from the real one without touching it is by its faded color scheme and the fact that it can’t speak. When touching the shadow, it will dissipate around your hand like smoke. The shadow can move on its own and can be telepathically commanded by its creator. Due to being immaterial, it can’t actually attack and serves solely as a diversion. Strengths: Darkvision, agility, excellent sword fighter. Weaknesses: Magic is practically unusable in bright daylight, hostile personality. [/hider] --- [Hider= Water Sage: Calixta Ethridge (Ariamella)] Name: Calixta Ethridge, though her real name— the one she was born with— is in the tongue of Old Nereid, the ancient language of the nymphs Race: Nymph Age: 64, looks 20 or so Gender: Female Height: 4'11" Weight: 107 Continent: Nymphe Appearance: As far as the build of her body, she is lean but none of the muscles are especially defined. With a petite body and a short stature, people often see her as a dainty little thing, but she has a surprising strength that is almost unfit for her body. Her clothing consists of different ensembles; if traveling, she dons black pants, light brown leather boots, a black fitted tunic, and a deep violet traveling cloak. In all other occassions, she wears a variety of simple dresses, as is the customary attire of the women of Nymphe. Dark, raven black hair hangs down to about mid back, though it is most often put up in a braid of some sort, and it is adorned with some sort of ornament. Her face looks to be perfectly proportioned in its features and is beautiful by any race's standards. With a clear complexion and dainty face, she has an ethereal aura about her that can be seen as friendly to some and intimidating to others. Sea foam green eyes, pink lips, a straight and perky nose, high cheek bones and an angular jaw finish off the look, and they are most often arranged in a look of serenity. [img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1345473-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] Personality: Calixta is very, very emotional in the sense that her emotions always come intensely. Her happiness seems to spread to those around her, she is brought to tears easily, and her anger is unparalleled. For the most part, though, she always tries to stay in a light mood. She likes to make endless puns about water and the sea, giggles a lot, but can also seem very pensive and thoughtful at times to the point where she can space out for a bit. She is an outspoken individual with lots of opinion, especially on things she loves, and she will make it known to those around her. An advocator of peace, she tries her best to make compromises, but even she knows that there is a time to fight...she would know that first hand. She is a bit quirky though, which just seems too add to her overall charisma and charm, and it matches her appearance. But, underneath all that charm, there is an underlying current of knowledge and wisdom, and an inexplicable pain and sadness. History: For the most part, the people of Nymph have never been an outgoing people. Because of their immortality, they prefer to stay in the safety of their underwater haven, and even the Queen Raina (long live Her Majesty) has advised her citizens to take care above the waters and to not venture too far off. Most citizens observed this suggestion with careful actions, and many of them had never seen the outside world...except for Queen Raina's son, Acheron. He wished to travel the world, to see everything there was to see, then try to explore even further. He broke the barriers for his people, and he was the first royal to ever travel outside the nymph realm. Calixta, who was still young at the time, not even 50 (which is the nymph age of maturity), would admire such a man. She came from a line of common folk, but she often came to the royal palace just to walk around the gardens. Initially, she was hired by the queen as one of the regular entertainers (for she had a beautiful voice to match her beautiful face), but she proved to be equally skilled in magic after mimicking Acheron when she saw him practicing one day. From then on, the two spent time together and became very close. He paid for her to train formally in magic, and by the end they were practicing almost every day in preparation for her to travel with him. They had grown to be very fond of each other, extending their relationship from that of a professional one to a friendly one, and then to a pending romantic relationship. There was an issue, however, with that. Calixta was 46 and Acheron was 63, meaning they had to wait until she was 50 to declare their love for one another. The nymphs had strict laws on breeding, and so there were certain magics in place so that they knew exactly who it was they were meant to be with. But both knew that they belonged to one another. So it was that they began preparing for a life together— Calixta joined Acheron on his many journeys for four years before accepting a very special journey: his present to her for her 50th birthday. This one was to the northern shore of Tenebra, a place away from civilation, surrounded by the foreign darkness and wilderness that made up the dark land. Then, the first night they were there, their small camp was ambushed by three violent demons. The fight that ensued was long and bloody, but the final blow struck Acheron squarely in the heart. Calixta helplessly watched her only love fall to the ground, tears streaming down her face. How the cruel the world was, for taking him away right when they could finally have one another! Overcome with rage, the girl unleashed her ultimate power, leaving the three demon in a mad state and making the one who had killed Acheron hang himself from a nearby tree. She left then, taking her love's broken body back to Nymphe. Since then, she has lived in the royal palace and trained to pass the time, to help heal her broken heart. Years of calm has made her who she is now, but still she remembers the death of Acheron as if it were yesterday. When the need arised for there to be a Water Sage, Queen Raina sent her. Despite the memories on Tenebra, Calixta welcomes the intense incoming battle as a way to profess her belief that good will always triumph over evil. Weapon: Twin long-knives, each with a slightly curved blade. They are smaller than swords but larger than daggers. Pet: Calixta has an all-white peacock named Garon Powers: Calixta's fighting style seems to reflect water itself; her movements are fluid, each one blending seamlessly into the next. She found that water lends itself for stealth, as even the smallest trickle can be used to drown a person. Other than that, she likes to experiment with combining water with other elements, though she has very limited knowledge on it. It's difficult, seeing as most of Nymphs inhabitants practice water magic, and she herself has never wanted to explore different types of magic by themselves. Strengths: Because she can empathize so well, Calixta is gifted with domestic diplomacy and finding compromise between two different parties. It really comes in handy with a large group of people and also with just a group of friends. It goes without saying then that she can use charm and persuasion to her advantage. Being light-footed, agile and small, she finds that a natural strength is stealth, something she has never really needed, but it is also something that she holds plenty of skill in. But, the biggest strength Calixta holds is the mental drive to overcome nearly any obstacle, all done in the name of Acheron. Anything she accomplishes is attributed to the strength given to her by her lost love. Weaknesses: Often times, Calixta let's her emotions get the better of her, especially in intensified settings like a heated argument, actual fighting and flirtation. During these times, it makes her very unpredictable, and she find it hard to concentrate on the task in hand. Anger, fear, sadness...all are things that can be distracting. In addition, she can be very oblivious to what's going on around her, though most of it is usually social things. This is also what makes her immature in a sense. For a nymph, she is extremely young and not yet exposed to things like mating, and therefore lives quite a naive life. Compassion also lends itself to be double edged because of her tendency to see only the good in people. It makes her too trusting sometimes. As far as physical weaknesses, her body itself is weak as the nymph women do not train heavily in physical combat. They train in anticipating and recognizing fighting styles of others so as to adapt and fight using a quick mind and sharp magical attacks. Other: Calixta eats on a vegeterian diet, though occasionally she will eat fish.[/hider]