Haruka was still trying to wrap his head around this. The Bakumon before him looked way too real, but just couldn't be. Waving his hand around the D-Scanner in his hand, he began looking for some sort of hologram projector. With none being found, and no flickering appearing in the image of the Digimon, he waved his hand above it, expecting the projector to be above. "[color=a187be]Register entity name?[/color]" the creature asked in a soft, neutral voice. Haruka was stunned, and incredulous, "[color=cb0340]Ex-... Excuse me?[/color]" "[color=a187be]Potential Partner detected,[/color]" Bakumon spoke, only now turning its gaze to the boy, "[color=a187be]That is you. Please affirm identity to accept partnership.[/color]" "[color=cb0340]Haruka Nobunaga,[/color]" he replied, still in disbelief. "[color=a187be]Welcome Haruka Nobunaga.[/color]" The Digimon's eyes then flashed, and it rotated in the air, its cloudy tail billowing as it did so. "[color=a187be]Unanalyzed Virus Digimon detected. Offer input.[/color]"