[@Belle] Zsadist wasn't surprised when one of the woman fleed from him. Everyone fleed from him. He was dangerous and unstable. People sensed that. Atleast smart people did. Mari didn't though. She stood there and stared at him. He shifted uncomfortably. He hated when people stared at him. Scaring was rare for the vampire race. It could only occur one of two way. The first was serious wounds before transition. Some of his scars were that kind. But most of his were the second kind. Wounds that had gotten salt into them. Unfortunately he had been badly wounded when he had fallen into the ocean during his rescue. [color=39b54a]"Your friend might mean well but he is willing to endanger you. That is not acceptable."[/color] Zsadist growled. He didn't like that Mari felt like she had to apology for something that wasn't her fault. Yes she had called her friend. But she had had good intentions. She had wanted to ease the man's worry. Instead of caring about the danger Mari was in her friend had been pissed because she was in the one place no lesser could touch her. Zsadist flinched when he felt a jolt of electricity. It wasn't until that moment that he realized that Mari was touching him. He looked down where her hand was on his arm and then back up to her blue-gray eyes. [color=39b54a]"You're touching me."[/color] He whispered in shock. He was afraid he would startle her and she would run like everyone else.