Fio'Ui was having a bad... time? Day and Night having long stopped having much in the way of meaning to him after he had been 'invited' to join the [i]Rigged Fortune.[/i] He was traveling through a vessel that had been smashed against several other vessels, abandoned to rust, rot and decay (and considering what he had learned of Gue'la maintenance, there was a real chance many of the ships were well on the way to falling apart even before they had smashed into this hunk of wreckage), surrounded by armed people he didn't like who most likely didn't like him in return and now everything was in chaos because giant freaking monster bugs were coming out of every entrance way that could find and people were dying and he didn't know what to do! Breathing deeply as he tried to stop himself from panicking (Well, panicking hard enough to be completely useless), Fio'Ui did the only logical thing that he could do in this situation; He grabbed one of the fallen laser weapons that one of the Gue'la had dropped after having their arm removed by one of the alien bugs. Prying the fingers away to remove the limb, Fio'Ui found himself... wielding a weapon he wasn't familiar with on a ship where he was fairly certain there would be no escape from. Thankfully, the current group that he was with had proven able enough to deal with the threat... but Fio'Ui still kept his shaky grip on his stolen weapon; It's presence made him feel... more in control of the situation.