Vella took a moment simply hanging out in the run down washing room in the aftermath of the explosion, simply listening to the sounds further away in the metro as she adjusted the volume controls on her helmet. As if by some bizarre stroke of luck, she could hear no gunfire after the explosion! Which could mean two things: Good: The group of strangers overcome their prejudices, perhaps the bomb even serving some bizarre conciliatory purpose! Bad: The blast had been strong enough to kill everyone. In short, Vella had probably just offed her contact on accident! [i]"This is off to a great start. No need to dwell on the negatives. Gotta think happy thoughts. If they're dead then there's nothing I can do after all!"[/i] Vella thought as she reassured herself, mentally making up half a dozen of reasons why the incident was in no way her fault, and that she was completely innocent in this! Concluding that standing around wasn't going to achieve anything, Vella decided to unhinge her Assault Rifle as she stepped towards the room, heading towards the ground zero of the blast. As she neared the zone, she could pick up on distant chatter echoing off the dusty walls. The tones, although unclear, nonetheless seeemed casual. There were no pained screams or wails of agony, which made her hopeful that she was not just walking into the aftermath of a bloodbath! * It did not take much walking before Vella finally saw the first silhouette in the rain of the sprinkler system ahead. Ironically convenient that she had brought a raincoat, even though she had in no way planned all this. Ahead of her she saw the slighty shorter, stubbier mass of what she could only guess to be the armored hunchback of a Krogan! And next to him, that the lithe outlines of a Turian in the shadows. Or maybe the Krogan just looked so short because of the Turian was actually quite tall! [i]"Presentation time! ... what were the local customs again?"[/i] Vella's mind immediately kicked into overdrive as she thought of what to say. She was on a Human planet after all, and when visiting other species, it was supposedly a kind gesture to try to emulate their practices. Racing to remember what human native custom included, Vella's suddenly remembered a holovid series she had watched on her way to Earth. Making ready to impress the group with her best emulation of high human culture, Vella called out from behind. "OIII!!" Vella shouted out in a terrible impression of a Cockney accent as she threw a friendly wave. "Is dis the hub? 'Ows ye all doin'?!" The Asari called out, though with her coat and full armor, she might as well look like just a tall human female! "Oys came from outer space I did! A'ppeh teh meet yes allnisthatAGETH-THAT'SA[b]GETH-GET GETH DOWN GET DOWN!![/b]!" As she came closer to the krogan/turian duo, Vella would suddenly realize that the lamplight standing in front of Tiberius was in fact NOT a lamplight, but actually a fully functional, live 7ft tall geth! Her demeanor suddenly changing, Vella now stormed ahead, pushing into Tiberius from the side and pushing him into the ground as if to save him from the synthetic assassin in front of him! She did, however, not even try to push the Krogan, already realizing that it would at best end with a comical failure! Her raincoat would flare out to the side as a blue hue surrounded her as both her tech and biotic barrier erected itself around her, and she trained her Apostle rifle straight at Phalanx, all the while standing over Tiberius to protect the Turian! "TAKE COVER!" She shouted to the rest of the group as she suddenly fired off a spray of silvery streaks towards the Geth!