His words had been meaningless, he turned back around to see Alionna slipping away into a building. He could only guess that she was healing her wounds, or trying to make the pain go away. He frowned, such was the curse she was afflicted with. The lizardman didn't say anything and just wandered off, probably finding Garen to be uninteresting. Perhaps it had been the comment about 'killing his kind' that soured his taste for conversation. It didn't really matter in the end. Garen sat about for the rest of the night until the food was ready. He remembered the last time he had been at a feast, with home cooked food. It had been before the final battle, and it left a sour taste in his mouth just thinking about it. He had been with friends then, long time allies that he would not have hesitated to die for. Now he was surrounded by people he did not know and demons. How quickly the world could change. When the meal was done, Garen retreated back to the bar and fell asleep with a bottle in hand. --- The morning came with a sunrise that was quite beautiful, but it only betrayed the situation. Now they would march after Sven to only find death and destruction. Garen was not very optimistic about the whole ordeal, but it was a necessary task. He only wanted a future where people could watch the sunrise and not be plagued with an uncertainty of tomorrow, haunting their every step. So he followed them, with Alionna at his side. They were in the back of the group, away from everyone else. He didn't trust these people, not yet anyways. Some had the right intentions, he was sure but others were only here for their own ends. For most of the journey to town of Catze, there wasn't much talking. Garen was comfortable with that silence. They walked the day away, and upon the arrival at Catze, Garen's fears became realized. They were too late of course, Sven was already there and to make matters worse, old allies turned villain. Most notable to him were Tysetaz and Valerica and his heart sunk. The both of them looked changed already, Tysetaz was decorated with skulls, and to his horror, Valerica looked more construct then human. His face went blank before a hint of anger crossed it. He had known them both, they had been his friends, they had shed blood together and now they were at [i]his [/i]side. Valerica would never have joined Sven, her character was pure and she was the best of them in heart. he could only think that Tysetaz and his devotion towards her, had something to do with it. Garen knew that he couldn't kill Sven, but he would make it his personal goal to kill Tysetaz. It pained him, but he was guilty of helping that monster try to destroy the world, so he would be held responsible. As the group began to run towards the town, Garen turned towards Alionna and said, [color=green]"I'm going after Tysetaz."[/color] Garen then split from the group, weaving through alleyways and generally avoiding anything in his path with a flurry of athletics. In quick time, he reach a building untouched by the fire so far, and began to climb. When he reached the top, he had a view of the center of town, but the fire was getting closer, he would have to be quick. From his vantage point, he could see Sven, confronted by Leila and the female demon. Unless they ran, he knew what was going to happen to them. He then saw Tysetaz up close and Valerica as well. It was as he feared, they both looked... corrupted in a sense. Without dwelling on what he had to do, Garen notched an arrow in his bow, took aim at Tysetaz and fired it. [@Zetsuko][@Lightning]