Kaite rested on a log by the fire in a bit of a dazed slump of a sit. Offers and comments falling on deaf ears had made it difficult to stay too invested in much else other than staring into the fire. She lifted an eyebrow, however, to cautiously pay attention to Tiberius's attempt to awkwardly fall into the woman's hands. The ex-bandit had seen her type, and it was hard to be impressed by someone with no marketable skills other than swaying their hips. Glorified prostitutes like her never lasted long in the companies Kaite ran, though on some level she didn't mind since Tiberius at least seemed to be enjoying himself. The black knight made a mental note to toss the wench some gold later and send her off with a warning, lest she became a distraction for the sake of protecting by the knight in her crosshairs. With a shake of her head and nearly inaudible scoff, Kaite looked back to the fire and took a long swig from her wineskin. In the process, she paused at the comical situation of Storyteller and 'they-who-I-know' over the ring that refused to come off. As terribly as the knight wanted to cheekily suggest lifting her hand over her head for a minute before using oil, it was no ordinary ring. From what little she knew about 'Eru', the ring had a mind of its own and would not so simply be trifled with by a man who tells stories. Regardless, his vernacular was notable and she chuckled lightly at 'jape's hat bells' being an exclamation. Lastly, there came the realization that she had simply been left alone at the fire. Kaite looked around to find Gorman and 'Lilly' fraternizing over the rag. Swiftly face-palming, Kaite heave-ho'd herself to a standing positing. After grappling with the head rush that threatened her consciousness, Kaite resisted the urge to walk over since the two appeared to be introducing each other. With a dismissive sniff, Kaite plopped back down onto her seat with a soft groan and once more turned back to the fire which she tossed a small log into. The rag was a benign tool, likely torn from an article of clothing. For all she cared, Kaite would have just as soon tossed it into the fire since she needed a bath more than anything at this point. As tempting as a swim in the river sounded, Kaite figured that drowning at night was a pretty ungraceful way to go. Shrugging with a sigh, she resolved herself to simply sit by and wait...the world had a funny way of finding itself, if one has the patience for it to do so.