"Then I doubt our Pokedex will be of any help. But either way, we need to drive it out of town. Amica, Watergun!" The Froakie immediately did as her trainer called, leaping back into the fray and unleashing a watergun on the mysterious, but angry, Pokemon. It dodges and unleashes a Flamethrower, forcing Amica to leap back to avoid the attack. "Water Pulse!" Dodging another burst of flame, Amica sends the triple pulsed attack at the beast, forcing it further back. The creature, still staggering around from the Supersonic attack, tried to leap at Forte, only to crash into a wall in its confusion. [color=yellow]"Now use Astonish!"[/color] Cici called. The beast flinched back, startled by the little Whismur's surprisingly loud shout. The musician thought fast. Two of her Pokemon weren't exactly fighters, and one had a weakness to fire, so there was only one more she could send out. [color=yellow]"Dulcet, use Dragon Pulse!"[/color] she said, letting out the Swablu. Opening her beak wide, Dulcet fired a turquoise energy ball at the rampaging Pokemon. Even with all the hits it had taken, though, it didn't seem particularly weakened. The attacks only appeared to be angering it further. While the Pokemon didn't seem particularly weakened, it seemed to decide that getting ganged up on was no fun and disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, leaving Tommy and Cici with their Pokemon, waiting for some kind of long range attack. After a few minutes, it became apparent one wasn't coming and Tommy relaxed. "Well, THAT was an eventful start to the day, huh? Wonder if there's something on the mission board about it." [color=yellow]"Whew... So much for no major Pokemon-related trouble,"[/color] Cici commented, keeping a look out in case the creature reappeared, which it thankfully didn't. Thoughts of breakfast and battling had left her mind. She picked up Forte and let Dulcet settle on her head. [color=yellow]"Yeah, let's go check."[/color]Tommy nodded and headed to the mission board with Cici, finding only one posted upon reaching it. [hider=Wrath of an Ancient] [center][h2]Wrath of an Ancient[/h2] [img]http://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/f2e1cc45-58d5-458c-8802-d696f9f8b63f.jpg[/img][/center] Recently the volcano that our village is situated near has been showing signs of activity. At first, we simply ignored it, as the volcano had flared up before. But as the weeks have passed, it has grown worse. And two days ago, we saw the source, as he launched a powerful Fire Blast at the village. Entei, the legendary beast of fire. We were fortunate a visiting trainer’s Blastoise was able to intercept the attack, but we have since been concerned about what may have happened to cause the legendary beast to attack us. Please, if you can find the source of the problem and put a stop to it, we would be incredibly grateful. - Tefan Village Elder Toma Requirements: Any rank, but must have at least two Pokemon. Max number of people: 2 Rewards: 50 TP + 3 Pokeballs + 1 Egg per person (Alolan Meowth Egg and Axew Egg) Notes: Entei has been aggravated by recent activity caused by a mysterious man who seems to be using an Excadrill to search for something. [/hider] Reading it over, Tommy frowns and looks at Cici. "So then, that Pokemon we just fought...that was Entei? No wonder he just seemed to shrug everything off."