[@MikkishtheLeprechaun][@DeadlyPhoenix] Tyler looked at him. "I believe I was just walking in my own town then somehow appeared here." He then looked over at John. "I think we're both in same boat as you. All I know is that this place looks like it hasn't been inhabited for years." [@The1Rolling1Boy] David sighed thinking he may have offended the cat. "Okay, OrchidBlossom, sorry if I offended you." He then looked ahead seeing a guy standing by a phone booth. "Let's try him." Price was still trying figure out where he was. He remembered being in a mansion and forced to go demon and then somehow came here as his normal self. He looked to see with a black cat coming over. [i]That's right. Some girl snapped me out.[/i] He thought to himself, vaguely remembering said girl. [hr] Gael began walking the streets while looking around. It appeared this town seemed very empty for the most part. [i]It looks deserted.[/i] He thought as he kept walking.