[@Wick][@dabombjk][@King Tai] [hr][hr] [center] [url=https://mbtimetraveler.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/sexy-cosplay-girls-35.jpg?w=550]ANIMA[/url] [h1][color=Magenta]Leah & Troy[/color][/h1][/center] [color=magenta]Well my sweet Roy you are at fault for having not attracted a suitable companion because physically you hold dominate proportions required to signal a healthy and balanced male. I know it might seem cruel to be so blunt but sometimes that is what we need and I don’t know how to filter out that opinion. You’ve displayed a fearless though perhaps overeager personality that even in it’s faults is a charm that should appeal to at least 35 % percent of the human female population before we factor in the fact that you are a handsome Meta male which will drive away some and attract others[/color] said Leah in a soothing almost sleepy tone as she stood and stretched out her humanoid form. ‘Why do I stretch when I have no real bones’ she thought before she looked back into Roy’s eyes [color=magenta] Beasteality? I’m not sure about that unless as my lover you ask that I assume the form of an animal that you find sexually appealing[/color] whispered Leah as she leaned towards Roy as if to kiss him but instead almost touched her lips to his left ear and asked in a knowing tone [color=magenta]Do animals turn you on Roy?[/color] She then stepped back one step with a delighted smirk on her lips her eyes going through the color show once more. [color=magenta]I’m of course teasing you Roy but my advice on your sex life is accurate, my area of specialty is in reproduction and my primary function sex therapist; I’m the reason the Panda’s were shuffled around and have been breeding. I know it sounds strange but in the area of specialty mine is one of a kind and in high demand; oh and I also do psychological therapy as well. Next week I have an appointment with a derby horse that always gets nervous during racing season.[/color]